I have a cutoff of around -20C for my dogo. Colder than that + winds is probably no go for most dogs not raised to be sled dogs.
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I have a cutoff of around -20C for my dogo. Colder than that + winds is probably no go for most dogs not raised to be sled dogs.
That’s still a really dumb comparison.
Opening up a text editor to copy and paste 2 lines and then saving the file on your desktop so you can double click is still not even remotely the same as changing your oil. It’s closer to putting air in your tires for your bicycle.
We’re already in the context of someone has installed Linux as their OS on their computer, I’m assuming they have the knowledge to create a shortcut on a desktop and copy 2 lines into it… Like you don’t even need to go into the CLI to do this.
It’s baked into several distors I’ve seen. Pop, Ubuntu…
It has nothing to do with being a Linux nerd. More of all engineer thing. Using the best tool for the task.
Also literally creating a script or batch file on your desktop is basic baby level computer shit. Double clicking is hard for some I guess.
Not sure why you think I want Linux to go to the moon.
It’s easy enough to just make an icon on your desktop that runs the commands for you and you just double click. I’m assuming that anyone who’s managed to Install Linux should know a very basic computer skill.
There are plenty of times I want to actually just use the console regardless of OS. Linux, Mac, Windows. It’s easy enough to just make an icon on your desktop that runs the commands for you and you just double click.
Oh sorry I forgot that copy and pasting something on a computer in 2024 is akin to surgery. Got it. Thanks for that insight.
It’s only like a couple of commands and some copy pasting…
The Left: Fractured Butt Hole. 😞
Can we get a nice chart for Upvotes on Reddit costs? Asking for a friend. /s
Very much so. There are so many great options from across the world.
Comfort food that they might have grown up with? Probably lots of other reasons too.
Try looking up more “ethnic” foods. Ethiopian comes to mind as they have a lot of vegan dishes.
Most North Americans are going to try to emulate meats and things like that.
The trash taking itself out.
Unlikely? 🧐
From my perspective the majority of politicians in the west want Palestine to burn.
I fucking loved it. 😁
You could always sail the seas 😉 then pick it up later when your finances allow.
Jokes on everyone. I’m already using Edge
My dog has a coat with access to do potty as she pleases. She’s not super keen on the cold to begin with either. 😄