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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024

  • I don’t have the right answer. But I’ve tried to listen to different opinions and here are the take aways so far:

    Plant some food. Anything at all. Microgreens in a window, a little garden, hanging tomato plant. Anything. Enjoy the cycle and try to be connected with the seasons, soil, and food.

    Talk to people. I’m reading a book called Living Room Revolution that speaks on how important conversation is. Not to convince people of anything right away, but to show people you are part of their community. And to be a positive part of that community just by being willing to talk.

    Understand that in all of history, there have been many awful governments. Many challenges that went unanswered for too long. Even now, there are millions, if not billions of people living in very bad conditions or under bad government, and yet, many can find positive parts of their day. We can too. And I hope that will help us make change. Before we figure out how to do that, we need to be nourished with good food and good social interaction.

  • “Then don’t get abortions” unless you are a Republican. Cuz then it is something you can just pray about and your side won’t be criticial at all. The OP saying that values are different is rarely correct. It is identity. And some people have so strongly identified with being a conservative/republican/maga that nothing about values will change their voting. I can’t believe we are still talking about a difference in morals after years of Trump going against every value the right has claimed to hold. Clearly it is not about values.

  • Idk. Maybe. I think Biden has done a great job if you look at his policies, and I would have hoped people were excited about them. I take your comment to say that people are fooled into having more enthusiasm for a candidate with the same policies just becase a different face has been put on them. But there can be other reasons for the enthusiasm. For example, maybe people believe she will do a better job since she is younger and more energetic. And those people think a younger, more energetic candidate makes for a better President even while holding the same political views. If that gets people excited, fine. It may be from being fickle and fooled or may be from a realistic view of how leaders impact the group and how a younger leader could be better.