Exactly, right? They want dead flakes, not live one’s, so they keep us as cattle on carpets, not consume us wholesale. That’s like being afraid of vultures if you’re healthy.
Exactly, right? They want dead flakes, not live one’s, so they keep us as cattle on carpets, not consume us wholesale. That’s like being afraid of vultures if you’re healthy.
Do they have hobbies/beliefs/sycophantic mannerisms similar to the bosses in charge? Because that’ll get you promoted. A lot of management are lonely people who don’t view others as equals unless they suck up or never argue, thus useless people get promoted so they can hang with “friends” in meetings all day.
Or good old nepotism.
Credentials sure, but Cass has also been found to follow anti Trans groups, threw out any positive study that wasn’t blind (which would have been unethical to run) and the report itself was influenced by a similar report originally done in Florida under Ron DeSantis. This is a biased report that started with a conclusion and ignored any evidence that disagreed.
I always feel that good pineapple, well caramelized, can be good on pizza. The problem is the majority of pizza places don’t properly caramelize it, thus why most people never have a chance to try it well made, and thus the strong feelings against it.
At least that’s why I dont usually grab Hawaiian pizza.
I can speak to this (Canadian, we have Thanksgiving in October, i get high because parts of my family are hard right Conservatives): If I get stoned for dinner (after preparing dinner), I don’t feel like shit when people rag on the food or bring up trash political takes. Being high makes me calmer.
Also I don’t care if people know I’m high, so that helps.
If I do stay sober, I have to hear how minorities are ruining the country and be accused of poisoning people by not making a healthy meal… which makes me anxious.
I’m in Canada, and our Thanksgiving was a month ago. Given weed is legal here, I too avoided the truly deranged politics by flying to the moon. Good times. Also my turkey turned out amazing.
Final Fantasy 6, because I have played through it on SNES, PS1, Rom, then SNES again… oh, and there’s 500 hours in Slay The Spire. Maybe also Civ 3.
Be safe out there. Not here, I’ve yet to see snow in Ontario, but I think Alberta’s getting it hard.
That’s an honest question. There was a recent F.D. signifier video on edgewood films and if satire works or not.
To save you an hour: While yes, satire is funny and informative for those of us on the left, and they show a great degree of well made art which you should enjoy, those who support what’s being satired aren’t impacted. Rather they ignore the overall message and cheer on the negative aspects being made fun off. Which wouldn’t be a problem if it didn’t amp up terrible aspects (violence against marginalized groups, for instance) and thus end up getting people hurt and/or killed.
Maybe The Clown Fairy? Or Total Catastrophic Failure? Totalitarian Crap Factory?
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Unless Petey gets caught being boring or balls deep in a hog, I doubt it’ll move the needle. I hate to say that, there’s a lot I’d hope would move the needle at all, but in my own family it’s mask off, fuck “minorites”, give me more, so… yeah.
As a fellow Canafian, I think we will have our own issues soon/currently, so I’m not going to have time for schadenfreude. Granted I live in Ontario and a folksy goon has been in power with no plans for so long that maybe I’ve lost my sense of humor.
They didn’t learn French before moving to a French country? Just… wow.
I’d consult a doctor… if you can still move.
How to make young men angrier? Tell them a healthy amount of maturation (7 to 21 times a month according to Google but usually just when you feel like it is fine) is unhealthy and to stop for a month. No air November up next!
Good catch, thanks, updated
Step 1: Be rich enough to afford all the exercise / healthy living.
Step 2: have a job that has a positive loop to said attractive looks
Fair, let me update it, you are correct. Early morning brain didn’t verb correctly.
Baking by vibe takes some work, and you should practice recipes by the letter before trying it, but it can be fun. It’s more so knowing the impact of what you’re adding.
Spices, for instance, can be added by vibe to some recipes. Flour, on the other hand, should be weighed out and a firm knowledge of ratio to fat rather then vibes.