Greyjay has a spotify plugin you can enable in the sources tab but I’ve never used it so i can’t give a review of it
Greyjay has a spotify plugin you can enable in the sources tab but I’ve never used it so i can’t give a review of it
After 7 years of trying, I’m finally going back to university this year to get the degree i always wanted :D
Like you need music to watch that… I’ve heard [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Love your user name
From persnoal experience, not really. Only some are, just like how some Christians are too and not all of them. Humans will always human, no matter the label.
I do, just not as often. I can’t control it. I do make sure to let them know i appreciate them contacting me though. As much as possible. Also, i don’t understand why the beginning of socializing is more important than the rest of it. Why is me being engaged and interested, continue the conversation, showing appreciation throughout, and making it obvious that I’m enjoying it and would enjoy more in the future, why does that have less weight than a “hi”? I can start a conversation with anyone, wither i like it or not. But keeping up the conversation is what matters to me.
You’re right though, it is a teamwork thing. Any relationship requires work from both sides. I present my work by showing appreciation to my friends, and so far it seems like it’s working in lowering their anxiety and over thinking :)
I’m autistic and i almost never remember to initiat the conversation, or feel like it’s not appropriate. If any of my friends felt like you do, i won’t have any more friends. And i love my friends a lot and can’t survive without them. Don’t over think it. Each has their own way of socializing. It’s about the journey, not its initiation :)
Thank you! Having the skill of a piece of paper and a pen being compared to intelligence is pet peeve of mine.
And the revenge cycle continues with no end in sight :D
But it’s okay because it’s for good reasons. For their faith, cultures, history, and money. Only lowly humans get hurts and who cares about those, right? /s
Stupid children in adult bodies
My ratio is around 2.4 and that’s my proudest accomplishment for probably my entire life
All forms of communication that promotes any level of division between the general population, and the idea of payback or revenge is very wrong and toxic and are some of the main reasons for the shit we all go through these days, yet most people either don’t think it’s a big deal or think it’s necessary. We’re gonna end up killing ourselves and we’re all gonna lose, but at least you got to punch the guy that punched you first, right? Or kill all the ancestors of the guy that punched your great great great granddad, then their ancestors killing yours for killing their ancestors, right? You deserve to kill them all, they had it coming, so did your ancestors, right?
Until the childish ideas of revenge and division is gone from our adult society, i don’t see us surviving as a civilization before we kill each other first.
I’m tired of hearing people justify either. It’s all nonsense, illogical, and childish.
As someone who didn’t learn English as a first language, cursive is like another language to me. I don’t recognize half of the letters, and i never encountered it enough to properly learn it or have an incentive to learn it.
Interesting question!
If I’m not mistaken, charging works by the voltage potential difference of the connected devices. Think of a wall outlet, having the highest voltage in your house probably, vs a phone out of charge with effectively 0 voltage. The high potential will move towards the low potential, pushing power to the low voltage device.
The mechanism requires a specific difference in voltage to work. Most electronics have very lower voltages, relatively speaking. So for your idea to work, you’ll need to find a device that doesn’t require a high voltage difference, and either a series of connected and fully charged devices or an electronic with high voltage. I think it doesn’t exist because they won’t be functional or unsafe if they do, but I’m not sure as I’m not as expert. I just took university electricity classes so there’s a good Chance I’m wrong.
I hope an expert answers though because I’m curious now too!
SciShow tangents (a lightly competitive science show)
Ologies (interviewing experts from different fields/ologies)
Fake Doctors, Real Friends (Scrubs actors rewatching scrubs, my favorite show when i was younger. Plus great behind the scenes of film making)
The Imp & Skizz show (just two gamers i love to watch, talking about creative stuff. Probably not as enjoyable for anyone who doesn’t watch them already though. Still love them and would love to see then succeed more!)