Anonymous version of site: https://archive.ph/q6ejI
Anonymous version of site: https://archive.ph/q6ejI
I read that comment, and use it similarly, as more a super-dictionary/encyclopedia in the same way I’d watch supplementary YouTube videos to enhance my understanding. Rather than automating the understanding process.
More like having a tutor who you ask all the too-stupid and too-hard questions to, who never gets tired or fed up with you.
I thought the headline said they were linked. My first reaction (which surprised me) was “oh well, not much to be done about that then eh”. Glad I re-read it 😅
I thgouth it was a variant of rocket league’s ball
I then get them saying “oi, why did you rewind it!”
This reminds me of Minecraft redstone computers. Its great to see that does translate to the real world too with a GUI. (I’m aware that the very first computers themselves were mechanical calculations machines)
100% this. Boost is great
Snap! Double irony
Huh. I couldn’t. That’s good then.
I feel like the world record should be set against solving a standard store-bought rubik’s cube. If you break it, you did it wrong.
I’d love to use that feature, but it just seems so ineffective on my android. Things I whitelist fail to show, and things I blacklist pop up.
That is a very neat bow 😄
It’s what they can do with all of it together. Particularly about calling you and pretending to be a real company, phishing you, because if they called your phone and confirmed your email, name, and home address and order details with you, then it’s likely many people would believe them.
I can’t find any email from Google or any info on my account settings that this will be happening? Can anyone point to official Google comms about this? As my settings say “keep everything”.
What’s the issues with brave??
I had never thought of wiping an old mac and putting Linux on it to give it a new life. That’s a great idea! Thank you.
There is a difference between knowing which medicines to give someone. And then having that knowledge of which to choose (after seeing a healthcare professional), and then being able to buy (make) any brand of that item.