- Not a billionaire.
- I’ve seen no indication he is carbon neutral or that he makes large green infrastructure investments.
Even big singleplayer games can be fun. I liked being involved in the early days of BG3’s release, for example. But then again, no mans sky and cyberpunk sucked
There was a time where the fact that launch meant a high player count, big community energy, and lack of hyper-optimized strategies minmaxxing the fun out of a game was sufficient reason to get it at launch.
But given how often modern launches are bungled, even that is not always true
You are telling me that statistically speaking, a store is likely to be crashing into within 3 years of its most recent crash
If the error is hidden well, yes. Close-reading a text and cross referencing everything it says takes MUCH longer than writing a piece you know is accurate to begin with
The next update will fix everything, just need this one hotfix and everything will be solved, just wait.
Just one more update, okay? Just one more. One update. Just one.
Mercedes was the name of Emil Jellinek’s daughter, Emil has the idea to develop sports cars, he designed and commissioned cars from an engineering company and named the model-line after her.
“Exempli Gratia” literally translates to “Example Given”, so I’d say yes, it does stand for that?
You, an average person? Probably homeless after you offended the wrong rich person.
If you’re rich though, you are immune to consequences.
Okay, so the problem is that because fossil fuels are cheap, most people don’t find it very worthwhile to explore new or more efficient ways to do things. This is especially true for the wealthy, for whom gas and heating costs are basically nothing, so they will do dumb shit like heat their homes while leaving windows open, or buy larger and less efficient luxury cars.
The federal program fixes this. It adds a small cost to using fossil fuels, collects that money, and pays it back out to everyone. That means that people who use more carbon than average (which, again, is the willfully wasteful) will see a small penalty for their waste, while the people who are already trying their best to cut back will see a LARGE benefit, as they get a direct payment of cash for doing their part to conserve. If you are about average, there’s very little impact on you, but you NOW have an economic inventive to try and economize.
I’m pretty sure it was invented as a series of fairytales to get kids (and slaves) to shut up and obey their masters, with the threat that asking too many questions would get them tortured by a spooky ghost.
And then it got WAY out of hand
The problem is that’s literally just money laundering?
They are using a shell corporation and bullshit liscencing fee to cover over the fact that this transaction is and should be illegal.
Like, the idea here is that the church is not allowed to donate to a political figure, so they’ve set up a shell corp in the middle. The church pays $60 to the shell corp, who sends back 30 cents worth of paper, and then passes on 59.70 to Trump as a “licencing fee”, which is obviously just going to be spent on his campaign.
They measure up to 4.0 metres (13 ft 1 in) long, weigh as much as 590 kilograms (1,300 lb)
Huh. Nope.
Galt’s Gulch was much more Socialist Commune than libertarian.
Money had no use as Ragnar was running around distributing gold to everyone on a regular basis, John Galt had built a literal free energy machine and was giving the power away AND giving vanishingly cheap lectures on how to build one. Even the scarce resources (like the only car in the entire society) were being rented out for 50 cents a day.
Plus all these fiercely competitive supercapitalists would just step aside and just allow competitors to operate with no challenge. The iron mine, and coal mine were all running at industrial scales to serve a town of a few hundred (they had robot labour and free energy) and when the copper miner just showed up they just let him stake a an exclusive claim and start digging with no issue.
I highly recommend Adam Lee’s critical readthrough on patheos.com https://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/series/atlas-shrugged/
Another emulator. Iirc some of the code running Nintendo’s own retro gaming products was pirated FROM Ryiujinx
He’s like the third guy to do this in a year, big money doesn’t want you to know about it
We’ve removed critical functionality from the operating system because our boss didn’t want more than 6 buttons on screen at any time. Sorry the system is 100x more difficult to use!
But then how will congress give taxpayer dollars to a private company to do a terrible job?
I mean, we COULD have a government run agency that retains skilled engineers and keeps a good talent and knowledge pool of people specialized at delivering services that hundreds of millions of people rely on OR we could give money to the lowest bidder and blame “government inefficiency” for the contractor’s fuckups.
This is right. Di-lemma literally means two-options.
Lemma means one option.