They even cut corners when offering rewards.
They even cut corners when offering rewards.
I bet as he was being taken away he shouted “oh I’m sorry, I thought this was 'merica” in typical Randy Marsh style
Maybe he should ask Trump since everything he does is the best and has never been done better or before.
So it took 15 years of this woman’s life for the medical examiner to recanted his testimony. Nothing to investigate there.
IDF desensitized to bombing hospitals, indiscriminate pager killings and civilian ‘safe spots’ has now moved to snuff films.
Yeah I do and I also don’t buy any food from a store that is leaking.
You buy meat pack that’s leaking?
So they have added 7 more members, removed one of the girls and the leader has had eye surgery. What other differences can you spot? Also the guy in the second row far left has had his hair photoshopped 😆
How is a 9 year old article?
In Australia there’s “you can’t polish a turd”
Tell me about your actions in saving these Russian lives you care so deeply about?
I think it’s a interesting experiment I just thought it was funny how those who don’t return were demonized.
The shopping cart theory, as written here, starts as a litmus test for whether a person is capable of self governing and descends into two paths:
Self-governance: Are you a good person or a monster? There is no middle ground.
I love how you people really behind this dumb story
Nice grammar. Keep studying.
I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to ask?
This cut harsh with me