I worship a shitload of deities and you should too
Connolly provided some possible reasons for the new behavior.
First, he said, consumers may be trying to save money because this summer will likely be “more travel intensive” than last year, something he believes will be a temporary shift.
Other reasons he gave include deflationary trends in a few single-ingredient items and lower pension incomes.
Regarding what the company can do to stimulate demand, Connolly said he is not a fan of deep-discount promotions, because those tend to train the shopper to look for deals.
“So we don’t like those kinds of promotions,” he said. “But in the current environment with the consumer that is cutting back and making other choices, we probably are more likely to see some players resort to harder deals to stimulate units.”
Blind tone deaf MBA piece of shit
Lmao that country is so fucked
Anybody with an education and a conscience should leave asap
Is this a job advertisement for Hell?
I was being extremely facetious
I mean I get your meaning but it’s like asking which tastes worse, dog poop or cat poop
Probably bc Macs cost twenty times the average annual salary there
Is blocking people illegal in your country
This is the most tryhard post ever
I bet you tell everyone you hate mainstream movies too, especially if they never ask
When people say a politician “raised taxes.” More often than not it’s a tax that does not apply to 99.99% of the population and they raised it from 0.000001% to 0.000002%
But boy do those campaign ads look good
Yeah fedora screwed up TODAY so I’m just reinstalling
And running into issues encrypting my swap so wishing I had just tried to solve the problem :p
I am one of those people who does not want massive widespread adoption. Then we just turn into something else to be monetized with no privacy or security. If someone wants that, there are plenty of godawful social networks they can go to.
I see this in the Linux ecosystem as well. Everyone who wants it to overtake Microsoft or Apple is more than willing to sacrifice what makes Linux better in the first place just for what? Numbers? I would rather have the greatest thing in the world that has a steep learning curve so only twenty people use it but who appreciate it than sacrifice everything about it that is great so 20,000 people can use it.
Same with Signal. People complained about the devs getting rid of SMS support because now Memaw won’t use the app anymore, despite the devs stating that to keep SMS support would make the app inherently less secure, which is the entire point of the app.
Lmfao I mean it’s kinda right but completely wrong. Stallman had to start the free software movement because corporations were starting to close off what had previously been an open ecosystem among hackers and devs and everyone else. If capitalism didn’t exist there wouldn’t need to be FOSS because that would be the default
this meme is stupid
Lol this is still me after 20 years of using linux
Making your own server can seem daunting at first, and there is a learning curve at the beginning, but if you like tech it’s a great way to learn how computers and networks work.
A stand-up meeting every two hours in which nobody actually stands up
Beehaw admins: there are only four of us moderating everything
Community: so ask people to be admins mods
Beehaw admins: i can’t understand a goddamn word you’re saying
Edit: meant to say mods not admins
my thoughts exactly
wondering when they’re going to add “synergy” and “blockchain”