I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.
Mastodon - @baronvonj@mas.to
Pixelfed - @baronvonj@pixelfed.social
The last non-AndroidTV Chromecast model was discontinued over 3 years ago. Seems reasonable to assume AndroidTV model, if OP doesn’t specify, at this point
Remember when he said he would end the war in 24 hours as president?
Negative. It is a meat popsicle.
There already exist leftist parties. They languish in obscurity thanks to our election process. We didn’t get a new right-wing party, we witnesses a determined enough voter base take it over through primaries starting with the Tea Party and culminating with MAGA. We need more leftist candidates and voters showing up in the Democratic primaries to wrest the party away from the old guard.
No they said beauty standards are rooted in white supremacy. Meaning things like modeling agencies prefering they models to have hair styles and textures that are more likely to be found on Caucasian models.
Greenwich, now you go and bring ole Henry VIII into this… Surely that’ll help
Well if we’re all going to be in one time zone, then one has to be designated as the True Earth Time, and the world’s governments.have already decided which one it is.
Haha. Hope your having a good day
Likewise. 🍻
As time is relative to us, why not make it static.
Because we already have, when the time zones were created. All time zones are just offsets to UTC/GMT. And as you’ve observed, society at large wants to use a localized offset because it just feels natural to do so.
Take the guns first, go through due process second.
No, my argument is that time zones are a formalization of what we observe in physical reality: that different parts of the planet are experience a different phase of the Earth’s rotation through direct sunlight in at any given moment. They can’t ever be perfect, so we all have to agree to a best approximation, and some communities decide for themselves that they don’t want to have a a dividing line through the middle of their city, and that’s fine because the whole system is meant for co-ordinating over long distances.
Post summary says he’s calling for a pardon on the campaign finance fraud case (the porn star hush money). So assuming that’s an accurate summary he’s not calling for a pardon on treason. Also it’s a state crime so it’s not one the president can pardon anyway.
Time zones weren’t established to adjust for north/south variances, they’re for east/west. And we don’t adjust the clocks to make sunrise and sunset fall on consistent time of day throughout the year. They’re so that we can reliably account for what the local time is somewhere other than where we are (in the USA they were created for cross-continental railroads to publish train schedules). We already have GMT/UTC and every other time zone is defined relative to that, so why don’t you just personally use that in all your own devices and communications already? Nothing but you can prevent you from doing so.
But the time indicates your relative position in the Earth’s rotation. The number 13 in reference to the rotational cycle means the sun in the sky is a particular number of degrees away from your position on the earth and it only that particular value in that one geographic slice of the planet. You can personally choose to use UTC/GMT for yourself if that’s what you want to do, and meeting invites you send and receive will all correct accordingly for the configured time zone.
What the fuck is wrong with timezones?
The US tried full DST under Nixon and it didn’t last through the first winter.
I took it to mean that the article is using “Europe” to mean “European Union” in order to contextualize the quotes in the post. But I haven’t read the article so that’s just my opinion, man.
The first two for sure. The 3rd was fun but got a bit weird with Jean Reno featuring in it (it had some back and forth time jumps). If I tried Dawn of Dreams, I don’t much remember it.
Aw yisss! I believe the first Onimusha was my first PS2 game.
auto-correct typo. Meant to say non-proton domain (like protonmail.com, proton.me, etc). You can forward the @gmail.com addresses to your Proton mailbox, but there is no way for your to send as those gmail.com addresses from your Proton mailbox in the same way you can send as non gmail.com addresses from your gmail mailbox. You can send as an address from a domain that you own and configure all the DNS records for Proton to handle.
Medieval art had more murderous rabbits.