Call me dumb… but what does UTS actually stand for?
Call me dumb… but what does UTS actually stand for?
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The only difference between a cult and a religion is widespread acceptance.
I’d say one of those immortality peaches from Chinese myth. Probably one of the eternal youth ones that blooms every six thousand years.
I suspect that it’s already beginning to happen to him. Trump’s father had Alzheimer’s, and I’m pretty sure that he’s headed down a similar path.
I thought that it was fairly normal… until you got to the malt vinegar.
That wouldn’t fall under a single trope, but would be a combination of several tropes. After The End would be a requirement, and for technology that is like magic to those who live in the world would be Lost Technology.
Task Manager, kill this guy!
Hey, if you say NFTs aren’t a scam, then why is almost every single NFT project losing its value?
Pretty sure he’s already proved that. He’s already given information on our spies to Russia, which resulted in them getting killed.
I’m sure that Biden could do something really funny and just… declassify those documents.
The only real issue I see with organic food is that it excludes GMOs
At best, organic food offers the same nutritional value as non organic food. At worst, it’s less nutritious and more expensive.
“Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.” -Adam Savage
That single quote is the core of Mythbusters, and only the original Mythbuster team truly had that chemistry to pull it off on national television.
Is that why I got logged off?
Yeah… I looked it up on Wikipedia and got similar results, plus a river… IDK what they were trying to go for.