Btw, why do we say eggs? and not cocom(like catapillar/butterfly)
Profile by artisticside(, Instagram:@artisticsideoflife_)
Banner by Elena_Medvedeva(, Website:
Btw, why do we say eggs? and not cocom(like catapillar/butterfly)
Dude, we are talking about a country that still execute ppl by swords and has the death penalty for leaving Islam. What cant be grounds for arrest
ISP provides log your traffic for years, after that i am not sure what happens. Maybe they keep record of the ppl who tried to log into certain websites and go over it over time. Maybe they just keep them as extra evidence when something comes up. Also we are only taking about ISP, a government has more tools than that. Egypt alone spend 7 billion dollars on electronic surveillance. As for source, i am talking out of my ass, not in the sense i am making stuff up just that this is what i deduced from going over bunch of forums, articles, YouTube and privacy subs on reddit. I kinda of freaked out cuz if its true, i have already got myself in the waters and so abandoned all my researcher but aslo cuz like i said mental down the shitter
Its not VPN itself the problem but the fact that they cant see your traffic and only your VPN connections which in of itself can ground for arrest
You assume that the government works on not guilty until proven otherwise, when in reality its the opposite. If they can only see u connect to a VPN but not your actual traffic then they except by difficult your doing something illegal. This is worst for TOR, on its on website it states it not meant to hide the fact u connect to it just your traffic. Other reason is, which could be argued to be disproved is that unless your are on big known website that are marked by it, you are probably flying under radar
Same, tho i am not in Saudi. But yeah, i wouldn’t have though they knew of lemmy let alone of specific websites, or even care to block it. A heads up tho, i remember in a video on YT it said the USA ISP stores your IP Traffic for at least 10 years. Its possible it stored there for longer but i am not sure when and if they might act on that information. in your original post, some ppl said to use VPNs which can be a bad idea and land u in worst waters. I used to worry about this shit for almost 1 and half years(guess i still do)and my mental health went down the shitter for it.
Edit: I remember a story of a Mom on twitter being vocal against the Saudi government and was sentenced into prison for it. Also at the time on of the princes of Saudi had a share-hold in twitter, not sure if that’s still the case.
American conservatism fascism needs to die.
as appose to getting harassments and death threats or worst
I have no doubt in my mind this guy is gonna get doxxed in the next few days. i considered your question for a moment but then that dawned on me.
if sexuality is a spectrum, then yes you become more gay by being pushed further from the middle
My dumbass clicks on those 9 times out of 10
you mean click on 9 times
A decade ago is 2014 so you(probably) mean two decades ago
This is something i never understood about this meme. like most ppl know who Timmy is, so why use him in this meme. Also, doesnt god exist in fairly odd parents, like didnt timmy met him or am i thinking of some other show
Oh, yea that wasn’t clear guess cuz of the a at end of shit
Whats the joke here?
Thanks, if you want to play after my exams(after mid-December), my invite is open, just DM. otherwise have fun
Oh, sky mention
I miss the game but i am having exams and mother took the PC away
This should have a seizure warning
Yeah, it tries to use the keyring to store passwords every time you launch it even if you turned off password saving, the same applies to chrome and chromium browsers in general plus most password managers, tho not always. I tried to troubleshoot it, most forums online suggested to remove gnome key-rings if you are not using them but it kept reinstalling it. This plus brave being slower on mobile made me switch to firefox