true but recently I’ve been seeing a slight increase in user activities… 📈
true but recently I’ve been seeing a slight increase in user activities… 📈
I’d say cut on rents, go homeless, get a tent. Best way to save money… also, you can spend that more on animes figurines ;)
Thanks for a good morning laugh!
Make it to 20% (just cause I like em)
Merged, Core test was failing so deleted it :)
I don’t think so… RIP eezeebee, they were like a father to us and we were like sons to them.
Same bud, I was wondering are they gonna remove guns from CS?
How do you attach cat to the generator? I see something sussy 0-0
News next day, 10 dead in derailment.
I am fellow enjoyer of Subnautica, GTA V, Watch dogs, Control, Train Simulator, Elder Scroll Online
(✿‿) (◕ᴗ◕✿) -> Basement Discord Mod
Yea, there seems to be many buildings erect on the tip too.
Look Mom, I’m on the top of Arasaka tower.