Where in the world will Clarence Thomas take his next luxury vacation?
Even if people know about it, will the average person care or at least care enough to sway their vote? Everyone’s more worried about egg prices, gas or if their favorite college football team won.
The largest most powerful religion on planet Earth is being persecuted 😂
I predict everything goes to shit but all the born again nazis MAGA idiots still somehow think it’s not their lord king tRumps fault cause transgender kids are still around maybe or because sleepy joe and obama just did so much damage the country couldn’t be saved despite tRumps dream team of pedophiles and worm riddled brain guy.
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Hi 19 I’m dad.
One party in particular has gone to great lengths to wreck the education system, looks like we are starting to see the results of those efforts.
Similar to movie theater seats. No one else in the theater, the next person walks in and sits right behind me except no GPS.
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It’s when poor people do something the wealthy don’t like.
I believe that life as we know it exists somewhere else in the universe .
Just wait till your flashlight needs to connect to wifi via an app that you download and log in via Facebook or Google and only works if gps is enabled and it also has to have access to your contacts and it gets your first born child.
Does anyone else remember when the president’s age was a big topic? Suddenly Trump is the oldest candidate and just like that the media doesn’t talk about it anymore.
That’s just horrible! Where or how could someone even find these videos? Asking for a friend.
I had a microwave that moved the plate side to side which worked really well for heating anything solid, but heating liquids usually resulted in a mess.
My guess is him being a Republican he only “won” due to voter suppression and gerrymandering. I would be shocked if he even had the popular vote.
The GOP the party of hate and fear.
Gotta start somewhere.