they coined the term and are often referenced for their definition.
they coined the term and are often referenced for their definition.
they seem authoritative
that seems to be the use of an animal product.
the exact conditions for a pardon.
I don’t know. I do know that their founders coined the term and defined it.
a pardon requires an admission of guilt.
the vegan society definition makes no mention of consent.
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Feeding calories to livestock and eating them is much less efficient than directly eating plants.
this is largely irrelevant, since most of the plants that are fed to animals are crop seconds or parts of plants that we don’t want to eat. they eat, for instance, cottonseed, which we grow for textiles, and soy cake, which is a byproduct of soybean oil production.
aside, plants love spreading seeds. they probably think it’s better to grow more of them.
oh no. me, too!
the thing is, I find that news/commentary ALWAYS comes with bias, and I prefer not to beat up people on “my” side.
You might say that non-vegans is a good enough term to describe the above, but that kind of framing can paint carnists in a more benevolent light that acknowledges their freedom of choice, rather than framing carnists with regards to the outcomes they cause, and the victims that suffer because of them.
so it’s just loaded language
turns out, I like me for me
yet you, without evidence, attack your interlocutors as murderers.
the natural lifespan of livestock is exactly when they are slaughtered
poore-nemecek can’t be trusted to be the basis of my dietary decisions. it probably can’t even be trusted to have understood it’s own source data.
If one person stops eating meat then the meat industry will create less waste.
I guarantee a meat eater died yesterday. the industry is not going to shrink because of it.
once again poore-nemecek is infecting the discourse with bad science
We could guillotine all of the CEOs, and revoke every corporate charter, but it’d do jack for the environment, unless unless we also all change our lifestyle.
without those companies, the lifestyles would necessarily change.
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