are they called herbivores for real or did you just make that up? (it’s clever )
what he means is the whole wanna be alpha male douche bag types that suckle on the idea of male machoism and have been manipulated over the years to be steered under American conservative viewpoints and are now basically extreme in their leanings, aren’t compatible with most normal women nowadays and he is the sad. but they are manly tears.
sounds good man. some tang on that tang
as I understand it, they technically added the scene on after normal production.
edit I looked it up and was mostly right. 4 months before release they added that scene.
Dat ending sequence was fire.
it’s pretty weird how much is tied to our online identities, and we don’t own them.
and who gives two fucks about repudiation or identity theft anyway.
Pepperidge Farm remembers when he took over the @x account from a long time user and no 'no transferable license was ever muttered when it benefited him not to do so.
you take away all his money and you’re just left with pure, raw asshole.
mmm unexplained vats mmmm
it was taken from others and then divided out to a racist system of governance.
so like, no.
you said millions. I can not find a citation for that. Nothing close…? sooo provide a citation for your outrageous claim, don’t call me ignorant for asking you to back up your own words, fucknut.
Wikipedia doesn’t seem to agree but Im sure YoU dID Y0uR rESeARcH
‘Obama embraced the US drone programme, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau.’
[citation needed]
ohhh right the illusion of law
“you hack people, mister Anderson, I hack time.”
worth .003$ vs a hexbear user