Greenland, even though Denmark is blue.
Greenland, even though Denmark is blue.
A game with “500+ M downloads” on google play, plus like a dozen other platforms it’s on.
If 0.001% of among us players became CEO assassins, I don’t think we’d have any CEOs left.
Yes you have to consider who you’re talking to but I think a lot of us are ready to talk about patching the hole.
As a radical leftist I’m certainly not against bailing the boat, I just acknowledge that this is a temporary solution. Like, minimum wage needs to be high enough that people can work a reasonable number of hours, afford rent, and still have time to read Marx.
The minimum wage hike is still important, it’s just not the end game. If you’re saying you’re not interested in patching the hole, that sounds like a problem. If you’re saying “this hole won’t be patched for a while, but some day we’ll get there. In the meantime, bail like hell.” then, we are comrades.
Or, when someone says “abolish private property” they’re not talking about your toothbrush.
In this context, private property is the stuff you can use to generate capital. Personal property is your toothbrush, your phone, clothes, furniture, bike, car, house etc.
If you own a second house for rental income, that’s private property. The house you just live in is personal property.
There’s a funny hodgepodge of ideology here… “Guillotine oligarchs” sounds pretty cool, invokes the French Revolution, which was radical left, at the time. But then the unwillingness to abolish private property is either an erroneous conflation of “private” and “personal” or an unwillingness to actually change the system that produces the oligarchs.
It’s like bailing out the boat but when someone says “patch the hole” your like “but we need the hole!”
And they’re guaranteeing this super affordable public housing all while under a comprehensive trade embargo for 60+ years imposed by the most powerful nation there is, who also happens to be their neighbor.
Never believe that housing “needs” to be expensive, it’s 100% a decision made by people who profit from it.
especially the “investors”
I had to look it up…knew what you were thinking though!
Once again, every accusation is a confession.
“The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”
There was this study where they asked a theater full of women to rate the attractiveness of men, based on a photo and a profession. Then they changed all the professions (but kept the same photos) and did it again.
The same picture with a higher-paying job was rated significantly higher.
they need to address the real issues that affect all working class people.
But of course this would mean clawing back some concessions from the capitalist class, and they own both parties, so…nope.
Or were pushed away by voter suppression and hopelessness…
Capitalism is highly unstable, and the US empire is in decline. I strongly believe that without the support of a global hegemon, capital will win less and less.
Just look at how many times the US and its minions have intervened to topple or compromise socialist movements around the world. Without that intervention, many may have been successful. They can only keep this up for so long, and I suspect they’re already starting to strain.
It’s a long ass road but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Are you gonna accept fascism, or take the step?
Labor organizing is a good thing to work on - it can bring about modest improvements for the working class, and you can’t be too organized. Educate anyone who’s willing to listen, educate yourself, actually read stuff. Maybe there’s a local organization you can join. Maybe there are some smaller wins possible in local politics, get familiar with who’s on your city council, go to some meetings or something. There are many options. Sitting on your couch and declaring hopelessness isn’t the best one.
Unfortunately the alt-right disease isn’t limited to some arbitrary birth date brackets. It spreads to younger people all the time. You can’t just wait it out, you have to fight it, and keep fighting it.
This man is more serious than you think. Israel is a place, “somewhere else” to put all the Jews, so that they’re “not here”. That sounds pretty great to a nazi, actually.
Teslas are so bad for this, that whole “all the controls are on a big ipad” setup should be illegal.
I didn’t read too far, but,
To restrict car manufacturers and other companies from selling consumer car-related data, increase transparency regarding data practices, and for other purposes.
already skips over collecting the data, so yeah. I would guess this bill just exists for the optics, and isn’t actually intended to challenge the industry.
If voting could dethrone the wealthy, they wouldn’t let us do it.