It’s taxed as income when you receive it. If you hold onto it for over a year then sell it you pay capital gains (which are lower) on the difference between the grant price and current price (if it went up).
It’s taxed as income when you receive it. If you hold onto it for over a year then sell it you pay capital gains (which are lower) on the difference between the grant price and current price (if it went up).
The reason I don’t think it’s all that in line with Diablo these days, though, is simply the pacing of the gameplay. You blow up screens of enemies at a time, and your deaths are often so fast that you’re not really sure what killed you.
Yeah, that’s why I don’t care for POE anymore these days.
It is a classic Roguelike
I get that Roguelike is basically a vaguely defined genre now, and though Torchlight 2 in a great game it’s definitely not a “classic Roguelike”.
We used AA on our CRTs back in the day. Of course we were all running like 1024x768 as the resolution so it was a lot more needed. The higher your resolution the less you need it.
The more surprising part is that there are companies I’ve never heard of that cost even more.
Xterm supports multiple tabs right? Do that? If not then tmux.
It’s one of the things that potentially prevent the technological singularity. That’s undoubtedly why the self-important Musk has an interest in it.
deleted by creator
command --custom-repo-uri --custom-repo-name repo_name --custom-repo-sync-type git
This is like Black and White mixed with Civilization.
Me too. There’s little challenge or risk. Progression is really slow and can’t really be sped up. Borderline an interactive screensaver.
I thought it was killed for VSCode since they ended up under the same umbrella.
Don’t be a contractor. Unless you’re unusually skilled or have a very exotic and rare niche that you’re an expert in then being a contractor is a step down for most people in the software field imo. Look for direct hire.
Pretty much, all I can think of is Steve Carrell yelling “but I hated it!”
It was basically Fern Gully
The trick is don’t work for an outsourcing company?
I have a Pixel 6a, and no.
That’s assuming he’s not misclassified like the majority of contract positions are.
That sounds an awful lot like even their first party cartridges could be attack vectors.
I’d imagine reddit could be profitable too if they stopped throwing money at stupid shit like NFTs and avatars. Selling API access for AI training was a good move in terms of bringing in income since it basically costs them nothing, and they could have totally pulled that off without pissing off half their userbase.