Anyone remember the time-cube guy? He had a crazy website where he ranted about how 24hr days are a conspiracy. THE DAY IS A TIMECUBE! This image reminds me of him.
Anyone remember the time-cube guy? He had a crazy website where he ranted about how 24hr days are a conspiracy. THE DAY IS A TIMECUBE! This image reminds me of him.
gnome-disks doesn’t see it?! that’s not good.
One is fat?
Means nothing to me. What is a turbolib? It’s difficult to understand much of anything when everyone has a different name for everyone else.
Congratulations Comrade! Good luck to you in your new world of free awesome software. I escaped Windows years ago and can only imagine how bad it’s gotten.
Awww, thanks for telling me, but… FUCK. I didn’t know any of that. I need a drink.
Camel Exotic Blend Cigarettes. Good times. cough COUGH ahhhh. Good times.
Wouldn’t scale and viscosity play a role? Seriously, imagine a river vs a capillary tube. Also how many dimensions? And forces involved? Is that a blockage between 2 and 3? Are the walls breakable? How will the fluid hold air? Are the lines into structure 5 lower than the walls? Is this in a vacuum?
So, there’s an infinite number of parallel universes?
No… just the two…
Oooo They are going to write such a strongly worded memo!
Are you being sarcastic?
I do not love or hate the guy. I do not dispute that he is “successful” (in the he makes money sort of way). But that is totally unrelated to being him being stupid. I don’t think one has any relation to the other. You can be stupid AND successful.
Well, I was wrong then. But, I also know people who listen to him. In fact most people I know listen to him. I have heard him speak and declare him “stupid” as the previous poster said. His success in terms of reach, money, popularity, influence… is not challenged. But I see him and think “that guy is stupid”. I admit I really liked Newsradio… Rogan can be stupid and successful, right? So, please elaborate. Why is that a wild opinion?
Does anyone remember when Joe played Joe on Newsradio? He played an insecure muscle headed conspiracy nut job.
You sound like a “Rogan fan”. How much Rogan do you consume?
Therefore… by the process of elimination, we can tell the Earth is banana shaped.
Can of Surströmming, pull tab, throw.
Loved the book. It should be a 2 season show.
And a pleasant The One Meal to you too.