It’s more imporant to use Free Software top to bottom.
@lukewarm_ozone I hope you actually did that math.
@petrescatraian I suspect they can’t see it on lemmy, but I for one appreciate that you have your location here set as “not sent from my iPhone(because I don’t have one)”
@petrescatraian @Sunshine oh wow, it’s even on F-DroidLooking at that I see why as a big fat GNU+Linux nerd who doesn’t go outside unless their is a dire emergency I would never have heard of it. 😉
Organic Maps: Hike, Bike, Drive Offline | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
@Sunshine is this an iPhone thing?
@SelfProgrammed well sure, but my way is funnier 😉
@fool so it’s racist because we of Asian descent tend to eat rice? Are other Asians asking automobile enthusiasts not to use this or is it basic white girl stuff?
@fool wait, how is this racist?
@P4ulin_Kbana I’m a good parent. The kids are with us all the time, if they were doing something they weren’t supposed to I’d know. Honestly, I tink I’d rather they be doing something nuferious than watching annoying kids videos, alas they prefer to watch the later too often watching other kids play scream and play with toys that we already bought that they never play with.
@Nyarlathotep @anytimesoon I mean, I do the same thing people have done for a century, I listen to the radio.
@piccolo well sure, but “Communism with Chinese characteristics” is a line that the CCP has used to control the working class in mainland China for decades.
@anytimesoon Why do you want some computer recommending music for you? Wouldn’t you rather your friends and shit? #FunkWhale
@goatsarah @Coskii @True is there a particular case about the muppets I am unaware of?
@JackGreenEarth @fossilesque it likely is not free as in freedom, but non-free, as in free beer.
@humble_pete_digger @Nito Odysee isn’t owned by Google. It is one of a number of block-chained based de-centralized video sharing platforms utilizing the LBRY network.
@deegeese @TheDarksteel94 you understand it was a Chinese site first, right, and that Americans decided to use it? The Chinese government owns 50% of every company in China, that’s “Communism with Chinese characteristics”
@petrescatraian OK sure, but that doesn’t address the issue of not wanting to include it. Maybe theRussian government asked them to?