It also wasn’t exactly the best optimized game either. Call of duty 4 came out the same year and looked spectacular without crushing your computer.
It’s not hacking if they legally own plugx and the end users have given permission to plugx
Recommending Samba is dangerous, it’ll work okay until it doesn’t. And when that happens you’re better off rebuilding the entire domain then trying to figure out why the PDC stopped trusting itself or some other bullshit.
Also they’re only up to 2016 functional level.
What is the active directory replacement for Linux?
Is my antivirus supported?
How about that program that Bill Jenkins coded 30 years ago That’s still integral to daily operations.
I could probably upgrade a third of my company to Linux, but then I would have to support multiple operating systems and employees who could barely understand where the start menu was in Windows.
While people might actually say out loud that all cops are racist, what they actually mean is that the system is racist. Not all cops are racist, but they participate in a racist system. That makes them bastards.
Not just less guides but the Linux community is also actively hostile to people who just want to fix their problem and not learn how to fix it.
It’s ignoring the crusades
I put the center between the believable extremes. Utopian communism and anarchy just don’t work, so putting them on the political spectrum is disingenuous at best until it does work. Until we have Star Trek replicators or something to fight against scarcity and/or artificial scarcity.
So with that in mind, avoiding pure idealism, left of center would still include a hobbled capitalism.
That’s the kind of answer people like to give when they just don’t want to do anything to fix it. Who cares if it’s a complex problem, we have really smart people in the world. We can bang this out.
There’s no reason to haggle over details though because we’re not the people in that room haggling over details. All we need to do is continue to point out that there is a problem and that we want our representatives and scientists who do studies on housing to fix it.
Leaving the EU had no upsides, and the only talking points leavers had were lies, not complexity. Making it difficult for landlords to continue owning more and more of the world’s property has plenty of upsides and very few downsides.
We’re speaking in hypotheticals already, and you want to get into even more details? The world would be different in this odd scenario so trying to figure out the details ahead of time seems like you just want to make it fail before we even start.
So I guess my answer would be, the same place as before this problem occurred of having too many landlords. Go back to the 50s and see what they did then. In the 50s a down payment wasn’t even a problem because housing pricing was affordable to everyone.
We still have plenty of houses in the country. Enough to house every homeless person 4x over, so it’s not a real problem except the owners of those houses that want more and more profit out of thin air make it a problem
Algorithms will be easier and faster to fix than the process of getting this breakthrough to viability
Harris was asked multiple times what she would do differently than Biden and she had no answer.
In the same manner that everything in humanity is labeled. If the group you’re labeling doesn’t agree with you then you’re creating a false stereotype
Yes, at the lower prices now that supply isn’t constrained by landlords
The off-ramp for “eat The Rich” is normal police and judiciary justice. People are only going to be desperate for so long. Eventually it won’t make sense to be a vigilante in this situation.
In my head I think a fair solution would make it harder for landlords to buy one extra house every time they go to buy a new one. So one person renting out one house would be barely any harder than the current setup, but one person renting out two houses would start to feel like it might not be worth it etc.
Yes that’s correct, if landlords couldn’t run a business then the overall pricing of housing would be low enough that a renter could afford it due to supply and demand of the greater housing market
There’s literally a settings button on that new tab page to take you right to the correct setting.