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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • All of those components should be used and a few generations behind to save cost. A used Quadro m4000 is about $100 usd in the US. A used Xeon based office PC all in should be ~$400-600 USD max stateside and you can find whichever drives you need to add. I don’t know what your local economy is like or what you can expect. If you’re able to find a used office PC or and older device, give that a try and see if it works. If you have 15 users all hitting a computer it’s going to take resources. Those resources are going to depend on what they’re doing. If you want enterprise fault tolerance, ECC may be worth the extra cost. If you want to budget it out you can probably get everything you want running on something 4-5 generations behind for around $100 USD + drives cost.

    Consider if you’re going media streaming like a Plex/jellyfin server. It would be kinda similar to playing 15 YouTube videos on your desktop.

    If it’s 15 users with maybe 2-3 hitting it at any one time then you can build cheaper and get decent performance. If you’re just hosting static pages/simple programs with low resource requirements anything post 2010 with 4 cores and 8GB RAM will probably run it fine and work as file storage for cameras.

  • Based on your description, your exposing something to the Internet. You absolutely should have things virtualized/containers and use a reverse proxy. Use cloudflare for the domain name registration and take advantage of their ddos protection. Keeping everything virtualized/separated would also give an IDS a fighting chance since they’d have to pivot if you bothered to setup firewalls between the devices.

    If you have the space for some used servers, you can find something affordable. Any enterprise server will be loud and electricity costs should be factored.

    If you don’t have the space for a noisy server, an old workstation on the used market can be affordable. Otherwise you can build something yourself using consumer parts. Ryzen 5 (Ryzen will allow you to use ECC RAM which is something you might want) or an i7/Xeon from the previous generation or two should be more than enough. Add 32-64Gb of RAM and a SSD boot drive. I’d probably get HDDs designed for surveillance to save cost and put your file server storage on an SSD separate from the OS. Backups on VMs are stupid easy too which means you’re more likely to bother using and testing them.

    Edit: forgot about GPU. If you’re using as a media server and need transcoding or another reason, an external GPU like the Nvidia p600 m4000 will work. Use this link to figure out what you need (you don’t have to use Plex it’s just a guideline)

  • Virtualization can be nice in that you can tinker and not worry about dependencies. Plus you can have one resource that’s stable on FreeBSD, another that works well on Unix, etc.

    Headless servers can run surveillance stuff via web interfaces or API/app integrations. Plus you can use the GUI via vnc, spice or another service to get to your x11 environment. I find proxmox easier than docker/containers as most of my troubleshooting is there. I’ve got security cameras linked to home assistant and it’s all headless. You could plug a monitor in and pass that to a virtual machine to get the desktop experience.

    Hardware recommendations are going to need more information. Number of users? Number of cameras/tasks the server is expected to do concurrently, will you have media/NAS hosting and if so, how much space and how fast do you want that to be?

    Your use case in the OP for less than 4 users could probably be run on a potato (my potato is bottlenecked by wifi @ 10MBps). 10-15 users streaming media or 20 cameras constantly streaming to a monitor could easily eat up a decent chunk of resources.

    If you’re not exposing anything to the Internet, you probably don’t need an IDS. It’s a lot of effort to reduce false positives/tune it and the benefits are probably not worth it unless this is a business use case. Enterprise IDS/SIEMS used by actual companies is typically not FOSS because it needs that support provided by the vendor.

  • Proxmox has been pretty good to me. I have an ancient office PC that has proxmox installed as the hypervisor. It’s based on debian but everything is done via a web interface (you can ssh or whatever into it too if you needed to). Then I have debian with docker containers, TrueNAS, and home assistant all installed as VMs. Benefits to this means you can put mission critical stuff on the “boring” debian and then have fun with whatever you want to tinker with on an entirely different os/Virtual Machine. I also use wireguard easy which is stupid simple to setup a VPN with. I would strongly recommend keeping all management of the server on the local network and use a VPN to connect. This will get you the “enterprise grade” security. Anything public should go through a reverse proxy/DMZ VM if you host something on the Internet. Use cloudflare or similar as an extra layer if you need a domain name and want a buffer between users and your network. Keep that device and software up to date and you should have a great defense.

    IDS wise, it’s a lot of work. You’re better off spending that time working on building security by design by doing the above and ensuring anything that touches the public Internet has as little permissions as possible (no running the web server as root/user account), firewall management, etc. If you do want the challenge, or are Interested in learning something like security onion, wazuah or whatnot, don’t let it stop you.

    Hardware wise, affordable and uptime could mean it might be cheaper to have a backup machine. Proxmox has features to support high availability where if one of your physical servers go down, another can take over (2 physical servers that are copies of each other). You could have a decent workstation and then a used PC or whatnot as the backup. More important is probably a UPS and some workstation gear unless you want a screaming server jet in whatever room it goes in. Nothing you’ve mentioned seems too performance heavy so technical PC recommendations are going to vary based on expected traffic or use cases. My 2014 DDR3 office PC manages just fine but it’s for very few people and in air conditioned space. You could probably price out mid grade consumer equipment for the main server and a used office PC for redundancy.

  • So I’m not low low cost. Live on the east coast after moving from a high cost area of living so I could buy a home.

    Median household income is ~$80,000 here or $40k per person

    I spend ~$3300 a month for two people and pets living comfortably. I removed my mortgage and any car payments but that includes everything from auto insurance, home insurance, auto maintenance for two relatively new cars, groceries and utilities.

    Home taxes are $1600/year and home insurance is $550 but average around here are closer to $800. Not included in the total above.

    Home is ~1500 sqft

    • ~$200 for electric, no gas so that’s mostly air conditioning/heat. Prices go up in summer, don’t get much snow here so Winter is mostly off.

    • ~$50 Water includes sewer since we’re connected here. Other commenters can share about being on a well but if your buying off main sewer, expect to pay $$$ when it needs to be replaced. Set aside money as if you had a water payment and take care of it with maintenance.

    • HOA includes trash at $70 a month.

    • Internet, fiber is $50. Subscriptions are ~$45 on top. Phones are $60 for two lines. Most friends in more rural areas have cable/fiber but a few have satellite or just mobile phone Internet. About 2+ hours from nearest metropolitan city. Satellite is terrible and expensive so recommend checking https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/ before you buy if that’s important to you.

    • Car insurance $200 for two cars covered 300/100. Gas is $200. Auto maintenance is $165 and includes taxes, and all the other fun stuff related to owning cars. – If your young, a guy, have accident history insurance will be higher. Don’t skip if you can’t afford to replace your car and don’t get budget insurance to save. Gas is probably going to depend on your commute. And maintenance is going to depend on your car. Taxes are $300-600 a year each car including property taxes, DMV registration, etc.

    • Groceries, $400-600. Eating out $200. This is probably the biggest variable expense.

    • $400 misc spending for two. Includes random shopping for the household and any fun money.

    • $300 for various gifts birthdays, Christmas, and extra spending to host Christmas or other events. Half of this is just building up for winter where we spend a decent chunk. Sometimes this is used to fly home for the holidays.

    • $400 home maintenance budget. Saving for big fixes or general repairs. This will be much higher there first two years. For reference I’ve got a few pending maintenance repairs that are likely to cost ~$6,000 each expected in the next 5-8 years. (HVAC, water heater, roof, landscaping to deal with erosion and eventually some remodeling). Budget also includes collecting tools.

    • Pets $200. Food, litter, toys, etc.

    • $130 Health related expenses. Doesn’t include insurance which is $400/month out of the paycheck.

    And I’m going to plug YNAB which is why I have these numbers, it costs $120/yr which is included. Highly recommend doing some kind of budgeting even if it’s on paper in a notebook once a month because all these costs can creep up. If you want free electronic use a spreadsheet.

  • Apparently you can save it to Google drive then download the Google drive program and make that folder available offline so it downloads it to the computer.

    1. When you setup the Google Takeout export choose Save in a Google Drive folder

    2. Install the Google Drive PC client (Drive for desktop)

    3. It will create a new drive (i.e. G:) in your explorer. Right click on the takeout folder and select “Make available offline”. All files in that folder will be downloaded by the Google Drive Desktop in the background, and you will be able to copy to another location, as they will be local files.