• 57 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.ninjaOPtocats@lemmy.worldBlessed
    1 year ago

    I think it’s gotta be Scooter (The snowshoe) His full name is Scooter Bug, because he is constantly bugging everybody. He’s always gotta be right where the action is. If I’m petting and talking sweet to one of the others he needs to come and insert himself in between the pets. He also likes to wrestle and is constantly tackling the others. Oh and he gets wet food because of his teeth being removed and he thinks he’s special because the other cats only get it occasionally. Lol

  • Why do I feel more sympathy for the shooter then? Let me explain myself. I don’t condone his actions, but here’s the thing… You have no idea what a stranger is going through in their life. No idea what trauma lies in their past. Going up to strangers and trying to provoke them could yield wildly different responses from person to person, and in the world we live in that could easily involve anger. Some people are barely holding it together and all they need is a jarring incident like this to make them snap. The shooter didn’t provoke this situation. Yes he reacted poorly, but the entire thing would have been avoided if the brain dead YouTuber wasn’t going around trying to elicit a response for clicks.

  • jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.ninjaOPtocats@lemmy.worldHunting greebles
    1 year ago

    He seems to be doing really well (checkup next week) Before the whole deal with having to pull the teeth, we had already switched him to wet food because he was so skinny. I’m beginning to think that’s just his body type because he has gained over two pounds and still looks just as skinny. I feed him about a can and a half a day. Lol