Spot on. I’d summarize your comment as “Scope & vision” within the team. An excellent counterpoint to bloated AAA games is Hello Games & No Man’s Sky
Spot on. I’d summarize your comment as “Scope & vision” within the team. An excellent counterpoint to bloated AAA games is Hello Games & No Man’s Sky
Maybe China needs to restart pumping out SO2 emissions again! /s
I mean after Callisto Protocol bombed but Dead Space remake was a success, I’m not entirely surprised.
Big New IPs are way too much risk for profit crazy EA.
This is amazing! I wish there was something akin to Lemmy Gold! Lemmy give it to ya!
EDIT I’ve posted this comment to bestoflemmy
I’d love if it were Linux but its probably macs, mostly due to their superior battery life (compared to Windows).
Anecdotally my parents bit the bullet switched to Macs after using Windows 11 and all its unnecessary changes from 10. It was death by a thoudand cuts for them, where simple processes like search and printers are radically different than before. If they gotta learn a new system, might as well learn something that works.
As an aside knowing most companies working in embedded technologies usually work in, or have strong aspects in Linux. Why then are Linux drivers so difficult to come by? Lack of customers seems unlikely since they mostly have everything ready, right? Or is it cost cutting to avoid lengthy QA on another platform? That would be easy to sidestep by giving a no-warranty driver version?
Die Hearth?
rm -rf /
Oh no! 😨
Oh yeah 😈
Good luck to them! It’d be interesting to see how they prove scraping. Like do you find something unique to your website & then prompt the model to give you just that? So you use the citation/reference features that link to your websites?
Knowing the slimeballs at OpenAI I’d wager they’d have covered their tracks.
EDIT To be clear, I’m not suggesting they deleted evidence, but they “laundered” the data via a public training dataset like Eluther AI’s “the pile”.
I feel sorry for website maintainers at this point, they gotta deal with a broken ad supported business model, AI web scrapers, dwindling viewership, and now google modifying their pages without their knowledge. Like people who just want to share interesting stuff with the world and make a living off of their work have to deal with this crap.
Hey man give them a break! Those poor megacorpos need those spare VMs for training their new AI! The customers already paid, what are they going to do other than wait in queue? Its not like they own their copy of completely online dependent game anyways.
That’s very interesting, thank you. I’d heard about Chinas progress but GDPs & mega projects aside, its good to know regular people are doing better too.
However, I’d argue we need fewer categories, if at all. Developed & Under-developed, either you’re doing well or not. Keeping it simple might make it actionable: you need hit certain basic metrics to be considered developed.
I think its critical is realize the outward appearance of “development” is not a true state of a country, but usually a sign of huge wealth disparity between the richest and poorest. India certainly is a victim of this where there are essentially two societies within the country. I’m not sure of China since no news coming from can be considered trustworthy.
In fact, the “developing country” tag is usually used for marketing to attract investment.
Well its not organic at all. I remember it’d create a Threads account for you even if you interacted with a Threads post while logged into Instagram. Kinda shady to boast about such numbers imo.
Ideally if you fired striking workers the NLRB would get involved. Not so sure anymore.
Money saved on k9’s is money for some super ugly Oakley’s dude
Devils advocate: retiring an old service dog means you’d need to invest in training another pup which is way more expensive than titanium teeth and dealing even with animal cruelty complaints and/or lawsuits. Also “bleed blue” fanboys will see this as badass, so its free PR.
As a mortal/moral person advocate: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
So its gaining more games than losing? So the headline is intentionally misleading?