5th person confirmed cured of HIV. Stem cell transplant, apparently. Happened in Düsseldorf if your .de means anything.
Just this guy, you know?
5th person confirmed cured of HIV. Stem cell transplant, apparently. Happened in Düsseldorf if your .de means anything.
Yeah, I looked it up to be sure. Not to be a dick.
And yeah, perhaps we should just condone condoning certain things and draw the line at encouraging or assisting?
That’s pretty much what condone means. From MW:
To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. synonym: forgive.
From Cambridge:
to ignore or accept behavior that some people consider wrong
So you’re perhaps not encouraging it?
He’s a keeper!
But really. Those look awesome!
Although… The Italians wouldn’t approve of parmesan cheese with prawns.
I’m not sure we have the data to support that statement. 8.2B / 108B = 7.6% of everyone who has ever lived is currently alive. Perhaps some fraction of that is immortal.
It was more the word “assume” that made me want to run the experiment. Either way, now we know for sure.
So that means they’re not limited to Spotify podcasts.
Are e.g. BBC podcasts in there? Can you try searching for “Uncharted with Hanna Fry” as an example?
Does it count if you know the thing it’s known for but not that it’s a place?
I believe you dropped an important “not”
Ah, in my mind there was an odd number of EC electors so an even split wasn’t possible without 3rd party electors.
How is a third party winning any EC delegates?
I’m not suddenly about to put a Harris billboard on my lawn
Do they have billboards saying “reluctantly voting Harris out of necessity”?
The distinction between “government regulation” on one hand and “community-devised rules, local monitoring and graduated sanctions for rule violations” on the other seems entirely artificial to me. In both cases rules and enforcement are set up to avoid the tragedy. The latter just uses more feel-good words to describe local government.
If you get a sane voting system out of all this then it just might have all been worth it. But it’s not how I would have gone about getting there…
The two party system is an inevitable consequence of the FPTP election system. Replace that, and you can have multiple parties. Otherwise, you might get a short period of chaos with multiple parties which then settles down to the two winners.
Right, so you’re just arbitrarily changing words. That’s very nice.
That seems to be what they’re doing here too. It reads almost normal to me except for not writing out “ðe” fully which is pointlessly jarring.
Why do you persist in writing “ð” rather than “ðe” for “the”? And… Do you really say æsþetic and not æstetic? Where are you from to do that?
FWIW, do not support, even as a brother up north. English spelling is broken but there are more glaring problems to fix first.
Should have been Ar$€