Newbury Comics is one place that’s also managed to hang in there, which is pretty cool
Newbury Comics is one place that’s also managed to hang in there, which is pretty cool
Also in many cases it’s not a medical procedure at all - the morning after pill is a thing, for example
Hope it helps!
When was the last time you tried it? There have been hiccups a few times where Ublock needed to push an update, but (at least on my end) those issues have tended to resolve quickly
If YouTube is your only issue you could also just keep chrome around as a YouTube player and use Firefox for everything else - unless space is exceptionally tight on your system, a second browser isn’t the worst thing to have on hand :)
That’s Sonic the Hedgehog
That’s just turning it off with Style✨
Paul Atreides Nuts
Loved audacious back in the day! Glad to see it still being worked on :)
Get your hand off my tail, you’ll make it dirty
Nice beaver!
Thanks, I just had it stuffed
Others may have mentioned it (happy to see Terry Pratchett getting a lot of love), but would definitely recommend anything by Vonnegut! Love his writing style and his approaches to humor and world building. Slaughterhouse Five is a great one, as is Sirens of Titan.
Also, not certain how well they hold up, but I really enjoyed the Redwall series back in the day! I was much younger at the time, though.
Really love this project - still waiting on autocorrect/spell check but happy to wait for them to be ready :)
What’s that from? I like it!
Both of those are still upgrades though - they didn’t say “upgrade the screen to LED”. It’s a good callout though!
Eternal Sunshine would be on my list for sure, hahah. Such an amazing film. It would also be incredible to listen to Scenes from a Memory or Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence again (two of Dream Theater’s best albums). Hard agree with the other person who mentioned Fullmetal Alchemist, too. Good question, OP!
I was a bit surprised the touch pads were square as well!
Can’t recommend Thunder enough, especially if you like a good compact mode/gesture-based UI. The devs are great and very responsive on the github repo, and the app just keeps getting better!