“I’m too old for this shit”
“I’m too old for this shit”
To me it’s glorified autocomplete. I see LLM as a potencial way of drastically lowering barrier of entry to coding. But I’m at a skill level that coercing a chatbot into writing code is a hiderance. What I need is good documentation and good IDE statical analysis.
I’m still waiting on a good, IDE integrated, local model that would be capable of more that autompleting a line of code. I want it to generate the boiler plate parts of code and get out of my way of solving problems.
What I don’t want, is a fucking chatbot.
or ~/repos
Look, english spelling is already a mess for me to parse (non-native speaker). If y’all start using this other alphabet, I’m just not gonna bother reading.
“Oh no! Anyway” kind of comment, but I must protest somehow.
Who tf is this Jessica Simpson?
She just took the name Jessica and fumbled at the beginning.
Never liked egg whites, tastes like cold snot to me, hence, this picture upsets me.
I do enjoy the yolks tho.
As a person who hates the taste of egg whites, this deeply upsets me.
No seasoning, no stirring, no nothing… Just imagining the cold, snotlike taste of thar egg white is making me gag.
Yeah, I noticed that on GNOME as well
My experience between Windows and Linux is not much different with how often I have issues. But given the choice I much more prefer my Linux experience.
I hate Windows just as much as the next guy, but this comment section smells a little of confirmation bias.
From my experiece (web dev in a mainly MS branded stack) Windows mostly just works. Yes there are horrendous design, UX choices forced upon me, but I can usually force the OS to do what I need and how I need it.
Now comparing it to my home Pop setup it also mostly just works. There are occasional freezes that require a restart and such, but I wouldn’t say it’s much more different from Windows.
Now what does differ a lot is that I don’t need to fight the OS to do shit. It’s way better productivitywise, when I know what I’m doing. Which is deffinetly not the case everytime.
There was an issue, don’t know how relevant now, with WSL 2 that caused awfully slow host filesystem operations. Not sure if it got fixed by now
Another one was the death of my father, but that’s more depresing.
I didn’t particularly enjoy waking up ever. To this day morning is a chore I have to endure, then work (before it was school) and then I finally get to have some time for myself.
I feel you, I get exited to get a fresh sponge for dish wasing
Or when someone asks for directions
When children in our apartment building started saying formal hellos while passing by. I still feel old when they do that…
Good, they even compiled a list of sources.
That really bad taxidermy lion that was / is a meme.
As a developer I like to mess with everything. Currently we are doing an infrastructure migration and I had to do a lot of non-development stuff to make it happen.
Honesly I find it really usefull (but not necessary) to have some understanding of the underying processes of the code I’m working with.
The fucking shows your politicians put on. Like going places and then having some monologue in front of a bunch of people. Not even a debate or something… Weird as fuck to me.