It really is a lot of fun and a great way to spend an evening. With a big group there’s enough time resolving turns to talk and have some drinks or snacks. We had a dedicated person to “run” the game that helped keep it moving.
Due to a whole lotta reasons we don’t play anymore and I do miss it.
If you’re interested, it looks like you can still get the rulebooks (albeit as kinda high-priced PDFs): https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/16332/SEEKRIEG? I’d imagine these days with 3D printers you could find models for the ship minis and print them at a fraction of the cost of the metal models we used to use, so most of the cost would lie in the books.
In a conversation the other day the film Contempt came up, and we looked up the movie and were surprised Brigitte Bardot is still around at 90.