Like a PEZ dispenser where the P stands for Plutonium.
Jeopardy! answers.
In my town in Mexico, there a street named “Calle Once” (Eleventh St.) that crosses an avenue and turns into “Calle Bronce” (Bronze St.).
The right side looks an awful lot like Mad Men.
I blame Percival Lowell for this. And his minion, Clyde Tombaugh.
Then they yanked Pluto from planetary existence, to cover their tracks!
What a hero! Praze the lord we’re winning the War On Drugs™️!
Exhibit Nth in a dumptruck full of evidence for why these creatures are perceived as mindless cogs in a mindlessly medieval machinery that does nothing useful.
Exhibit Nth in the case for why the police force are a decayed perversion of what they originally promised to set out to do, infected by decades of politics of willful ignorance and inflexible dumb intolerance.
“Socrates is a man…”
“Did you just assume his gender?”
Hashtag και εγω / Ἑλλάς / εγω💖φιλοσοφία / WokeRepublic
K.M. - King Martin
A.M.T. - Automated Money Teller
M.K. - Martin King
J.B. - James Brown!!!
J.B.A. - James Brown & Associates
D.H. - Lawrence?
Facing a cosmos filled with infinite information, this little guy knows just about as much as any science professor - near zero.
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along
So awfully
Those lyrics - among many others - are aimed directly at the sort of intolerant scumbags that always seem to be festering in the right wing toilet of society, just as relevant today as it was in 1984 when the Some Great Reward album was released.
“And just what is it that happens inside the box?”
“Quantum yeets!”
Close your eyes and instead of counting sheep, lernas la interlingvon Esperanto.
Needs a couple of more circles in there to make India and Southeast Asia pop out.
This guy definitely fucks
…his “friends” over.
Have you heard of the tragedy of Type-O stars…?