Source? Never heard of this. They genocided ethnic minorities and instituted privatization, eroding worker rights?
Source? Never heard of this. They genocided ethnic minorities and instituted privatization, eroding worker rights?
Market value and value are different things. Value is how much a product is socially necessary, and how hard it is to produce. Market value then is what people end up paying for it in a free market. They are often different, but in aggregate for the whole end up being the same.
Capitalism really
I wouldn’t call central planning “Marxist”, it’s just better for many things. And Marxism is about trying to find the best solutions scientifically to the issue of capitalism. Namely a revolution and a restructuring of society by the workers “in their image”. And practice of attempting that and building that new society brought new innovations and ideas.
Also, the end goal for Marxists, like for all communists, is and should be a “stateless, moneyless, classless society”. Not in any “words mean different things” way. In a “there is no more class divisions, no more commodity production and capital, and no more state or hierarchical authority. Like anarchists want as well.
That is incredibly naive. Just look at history. Fascists were always defeated by violent resistance. And nothing else.
Those who claimed to fight them peacefully all shut up right when they got into power and only quietly showed their discontent behind closed doors, while they kept on living under the fascists. Many even came to support the fascists after it wasn’t so uncouth to do so…
The people who were afraid of doing anything real at first, but certainly opposed fascism with their core, rose up and took arms against them when it became too much. Those were the partisans and their civilian allies in the cities and villages. And thousands and thousands died fighting the fascists alongside the Soviet communists. And that is the only thing that worked.
Commenting on a website will never defeat fascism. If the “holy institutions” of democracy and liberalism failed, how could a silly tiny insignificant postboard succeed?
Many countries would consider companies that are created like this just to “get around” a rule or law to be the same company. They consider the “spirit of the law”, and sometimes even give fines for attempting to skirt it like this.
Willie will forever be my GOAT.
Well… the “Pixar-like characters with stiff expressions” seems to be a stylistic decision, not a technical blunder.
Not photorealistic, realistic. So normal proportions, faces, textures etc.
Like I’d argue Golden Eye is a game with a realistic art style. It is as realistic as the technology allowed at the time. But it clearly tries to emulate the real world, and not a fantastical cartoony world or a woodcarved illustration, or anime etc etc.
The comment from the ME guy is probably in response to Dragon Age Veilguard being much more cartoony than Inquisition. Characters have huge heads, textures are flat and stylised etc.
I think he means as a style, they aim for a “realistic” style. Not that they will sacrifice anything for “graphical fidelity” or smth
Honestly, “capital flight” is great. Cause the truth about it is the money leaves, but all the actually productive capital stays. The buildings, the land, the machinery, the infrastructure etc etc. Everything the owning class privately owned, stays. They can’t take a hospital, or a naval yard, or a factory, with them when they go 😂
And when was a requirement for communism?
A stateless, classless, moneyless society. How can a class own something then?
Absolute nonsense.
Communism is from each according to their ability, to each according to their want.
And it’s a centuries long process.
Let me help you out:
There are NO sound arguments for racism, fascism etc.
There is no point in listening to racists and fascists.
I mean there were actually two “intelligence” explosions for humans, once as Homo Erectus like 2 million years ago. Then again as Homo Heidelbergensis ~ 700,000 years ago. So way before dogs.
As in we have evidence of H. Erectus with brains as big or even bigger than ours. And by the time of H. Heidelbergensis our brains stabilised around the size they are today.
Dogs 100% were selectively bred to be permanently juvenile as well.
Dogs have extreme neonatal characteristics. They are basically forever-wolf-puppies.
Their heads are rounder, eyes bigger, proportions more exaggerated, more playful etc. etc.
And we actually know the main brain difference between wolves and dogs is that dogs don’t mature basically ever neurologically.
Wolves are in basically every way smarter than dogs.
We dumbed down wolves and made them babies forever.
Our biggest rivals for millennia.
We are… fucked up.
Anyways love puppies ❤️
Kinda terrible examples tho…
Sure “Hitler lost”. Cause he killed himself and stuff. But the Nazis won. The US saved most officers and gave them jobs in NATO and the nascent west German government. Then used them to hunt and undermine communists all over the world. The Nazis themselves kinda won. The Cold War was basically a Nazi war, which they won.
The south “lost”. But after they lost the US became the most racially segregated country in the world and became the chief inspiration to the Nazis.
Then the US literally bombed Japan TWICE for no fucking reason other than spooking Stalin.
You have 3 wrong examples, that actually show we are living in the timeline where the Empire won.
Mouthpiece of the empire. Not controversial at all though.
I cant read twitter threads I have no account.
But come on, they were a bit shit on Corbyn when the AS bs first started but they’ve been defending him fiercely ever since, up to this day.
And then being friends with Zionists idk, that would be surprising.
And also, George Galloway can f off…. There’s PLENTY to criticise about him.
Now imagine you have 0 knowledge or understanding of anything.
You don’t understand there is a thing called vision. You don’t know about dimensions. You don’t understand that objects exist. That things have shapes, colors perhaps. That there are materials.
You don’t even have eyes per se, or any other sensor. You can’t see.
You don’t understand what thoughts are. What concepts are, nevertheless any concepts themselves.
If I showed you a side-plane picture of a car, directly plugged into your brain, do you think you’d recognize “cars” if we suddenly also gave you eyes and legs and told you walk around downtown?
From the moment you are born you are “trained”. From the moment the first strains of organic molecules closed themselves off from their environment, they’ve been “trained”.
Yeah… you’re gonna have to do better than that. That article is almost entirely based on the Black Book of Communism, a known bullshit book filled with ridiculous numbers and “estimates”.
Like it includes Nazis killed in WW2 as “victims of communism”. And if those are the victims, good riddance in my books…