Looks like it might have thought 40°F was 40°C, and converted it again to F then
Looks like it might have thought 40°F was 40°C, and converted it again to F then
Hell nah this is a Linux community, it’s always the right place
Depending on which way it goes, it could be massively helpful for protecting kids
Weeeelll, only until the AI model needs more training material…
Probably: “oh we already have a -r
for xxx, let’s do recursion with -R
I’m curious; wouldn’t tail
refuse to open /dev/zero
since it can’t fseek
in it ?
The closest that comes to mind are QSFP cables.
The cops shot at the cops’ car
I used to have the same issue. Turns out, it was fixed by a firmware update on my motherboard.
I believe in the States it’s considered a federal crime to throw someone else’s mail away. It’s probably a crime in other countries too.
Your Mileage May Vary
There’s a push towards WebAssembly. Officially it’s not supported yet, but most browsers can handle it. I don’t know how mature the project is though.
But yeah, essentially everything on the web is JS.
Everything you’ve said only stands for public university (which is better than private schools however). In the private world, you’re looking at ~10000€ a year.
So why in the hell would you pay 50k. That’s 33 times as much, guys just come to France
I believe it’s more expensive for foreigners to study in France now. You’re looking at ~3000€ per year IIRC.
I have one of those, it won’t work with my Linux though :/
Hmmm I don’t really know. You can try with this tutorial I found.
The way I did it, is I checked my motherboard’s website, and saw they posted a recent firmware update.
I used to have some similar issues when playing games, and the cause of it was my motherboard’s firmware. Maybe check and see if it is up to date?
A computer will spit out A, B, a, b
See also: ASCII chart