I don’t use Teams but I use WebEx on a Linux laptop. Can’t imagine how it can get worse than that
Vai worked for Zappa, didn’t he?
I remember reading that he was hired to transcribe Zappa’s live solos
Oh so that’s what happened to Blinkin in Robin Hood Men In Tights
Did you also like Parks and Recs?
Is that an argument against motorcycles?
That one is very good. It’s mine now thanks
Judging someone by what their great grandfather did or who he supported is so reductive it makes your point worthless.
Tell me you use the same password everywhere without telling me you use the same password everywhere
Thanks. I hate politically correct language like this
Sorry but what’s a MAP?
Regular European woman
Pringles are from Belgium I think
Many kids would like to be a teacher on Monday, an astronaut on Tuesday, a veterinarian on Wednesday, …
But I guess here the demographic is a little older than my example so it might not apply
That’s a valid point.
Also is there’s a USB3 controller at all in the phone to connect the camera inside the phone? Or does the camera talk on a different bus on the SoC?
That behavior deserves more internet points