I mean, screw Bell and other mega corp, sharing is caring… but those dudes are linked to the Hell’s Angels so it begs the question “is their service funding the local mafia?”
My moral compass is confused here
(丿 ̄ο ̄)丿
I mean, screw Bell and other mega corp, sharing is caring… but those dudes are linked to the Hell’s Angels so it begs the question “is their service funding the local mafia?”
My moral compass is confused here
About the NanoPi Neo3
This little thing gets pretty hot with the official case. I had to cut a hole in it to hot glue a tiny fan, powered by the GPIO.
I can’t remember the temp. difference right now (it’s unplugged) but it was significant.
VGS: Shazbot!
I just recently powered up a FreshRSS docker and needed to add feeds, some websites doesn’t advertise their RSS link but by adding /feed or /rss to the URL, most websites will give you a legit feed!
Not exactly young adult but I’m 35 and see friends almost weekly. If not in person I at least chat/voice chat with some of them.
I don’t have kids, currently dating someone with 2 boys though. I don’t take any overtime at work but I have online classes at night so I plan on dropping my hours by half. Also, I don’t bring any work home with me. I separate the 2, religiously. (I am unionized, makes it easier to do so)
I live in a small city, far from any metropolitan area, people are so much more friendlier here.
IMO, it’s all about hobbies. My hobbies align with most of my friends and I have more than one circle of friends.
I moved over 20 times in my life, different cities and all. So I know how to make new friends, I honestly think it’s a skill. At the same time, friendship goes both ways, if you’re the only one putting the work on the friendship, it’s not really gonna work.
I have friends working on their PhDs and even post-PhDs (or whatever it’s called) and they usually have time to see me / friends 3 or 4 times a month.
So yeah, I have a fulfilling social life, it’s not like that all year round mind you, things change and people need breaks and what not sometimes.
I share the same opinion. :)