Saw someone wearing that shirt in a shopping mall in the UK!
Saw someone wearing that shirt in a shopping mall in the UK!
“What are we going to call this railway line? It goes from Hammersmith to the City”
Could ask a journalist or lawyer to send it?
“Good enough is perfect”
Credit cards for anything over £100 online, for the built-in fraud protection -
Knew that he wouldn’t persevere with it - very forward-thinking!
If it was Ender’s Game, you might be better off starting with book two…
It’s gotten so good that China might be restricting output to keep the prices high…
(their onshore wind, and pumped hydro storage, are also great success stories, as is the EV industry there)
Like Kenji’s smash burgers, “held together with hope and American Cheese”
Would that even work on Indian reservations - can congress override their choices?
Computer equivalent of vacuum decay in our universe…
Senua’s Sacrifice it’s not even a choice.
And the left one may well be the physical circle from a moon impact.
Could have told the FBI to not bother looking.
Project Highrise might fit the bill - it’s pretty relaxed, and lasts forever.
Game famous for leaking classified information gets extra, extra access to the computers of military people, fml, really?!