@Kit It’s just a different experience to see the picture on a bigger screen.
Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu’ ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu’ știe cum au ajuns…
@Kit It’s just a different experience to see the picture on a bigger screen.
@baatliwala Now I feel old…
@PhlubbaDubba @tardigrada You still need email for pretty much most services. You need to log in? Create an account using your email and password. Need to work somewhere? A phone number is essential, but the employers will also use your email to message you if you cannot be reached on the phone (happened to me once) or when sending video call invites.
WhatsApp is ubiquitous when it comes to chatting, but for more elaborate communications, email still rules.
@thegreenguy It doesn’t, but if you’re lucky, your city might have a transit app itself (mine does). Even if chances are that it’s not open source either, you’ll still be able to cut your dependency to Google to a certain extent.