Also check what options you have with uni IT. Some unis have student access to paid software or if you are a uni club.
Also check what options you have with uni IT. Some unis have student access to paid software or if you are a uni club.
I know what community this is, but is your clubhouse a registered non-profit? They can get 10 business premium licenses that include office at no cost on Microsoft 365. If you are worried about the activator it might be a less worrying route.
That is just more propaganda. In the netflix program about it they show that they can’t tell the difference.
The whole natural diamond thing is they want to control the volume of diamonds on the market. If you can make them, then there will be such a high production the prices will plummet. The only reason the price is high, is that they keep production low.
I don’t know about other places but they haven’t had a counter for years round here. They have big screens that you go up to to order and pay, then you get a number and pick it up when called. Even if you wanted to do this, no one is going to listen to you trying to order at the kitchen.
This is a correct unit for it. Why? Think of it like a tube where as you move along it you use up the fuel. Over a set distance you would use more in a lower efficiency vehicle. Since the length of that pipe is the same, then the change would be the area of the ends of the pipe. Thus fuel efficiency is an area, smaller is better.
That is the event that icann uses as it’s reason to be strict about it.
For real Brexit was a stunning result. I just remember this post results interview with same randoms about it and one of the yes voters was like “yea I just through it was never going to happen and voted yes as a laugh.”
Frustrating the only browser you can get a compliance search in m365 downloaded with. So I have to open it more often than I want.
Probably even easier than places like twitter, as your can set up a server and others will even push all the data to you.
Agreed so much. There is a good mental component to walking outside. It helps me de-compress the day. I also make a point to walk 6/7 days even if it’s raining or cold or just miserable outside.
It doesn’t need to be much, a 20 minute walk each day is way better than none at all.
You got it on the nose, only one device.
Venice is Leith.
Getting all the locals priced out due to rich people pushing up housing prices?
That is probably for safety. If you microwave water without anything for it to nucleate on, then it can be liquid above the boiling point. If you then put a tea bag in, it will explode into steam in your face.
Yea it’s a good explanation, I do feel there is a bit of technically on it, but considering how aj was being obstructive up to this point, this just makes it poetry.
I’ve pointed out that this issue could arrise so many times to companies with the all staff email. Every time they push back on wanting to define limited senders, “we don’t think it’s an issue/no one would do that!” Until someone sends an inappropriate email to the whole company, then it’s suddenly IT’s fault.
That requires more circuitry. Just have the computer check every 0.25s, and if you have depressed the button it is a 1, else a 0.
Real shame there was no multiplayer, the campaign was good but I always thought it would be nice to have protracted battles before the bio organisms showed up.
Not everyone agrees on an exact time, typically the viability of the fetus outside of the womb is the consideration.
This would mean a baby that would be just premature wouldn’t be aborted. As you move back the viability would end up varying for each pregnancy, which is why after a set point doctors are involved. They then make a medical judgement balancing the viability and safety to the carrier.
So there is no hard date. The insistence on getting one simplifies a complicated issue where nuance is important.
I’ve noticed that a lot of anti-abortion laws target doctors, specifically to make the fuzzy nature of the cuttoff difficult.
One of the nice things about Gmail at the time, was that you could access your emails when not home. If you were at a friend’s or on holiday at a net café, all you needed was to know your email and password.
That sounds silly, but at the time the majority of ISP mailboxes were pop only. Or those Webmails you could get were attached to what you would now think of comically small mailboxes. Full history Webmail added a convenience we didn’t get before.
I feel like it’s missing the perfect light weight version that appears to do everything you want. Except it’s written in java, has not been updated for 4 years, and for some strange reason only works with oracle java.