to be fair, he’s done a lot more with his term than I had ever expected.
to be fair, he’s done a lot more with his term than I had ever expected.
feels real good to finish a model and be like “yeah I did that”
wargaming model painting (Warhammer 40k) and am still at it.
I have to assume somebody’s done a cost analysis on rto and determined that keeping their boots on our necks is more profitable in the long run than employees being happier and more productive.
mention of crypto would trigger some random moron to embarrass himself
the self fulfilling prophecy.
this comment could have been written in 2005 and still have been true.
the difference between a capitalist bread line and a socialist bread line is that when you get to the end of the capitalist line, you have to pay for the bread.
group of people who are already the best paid workers in the field
this means jackshit if they still can’t afford to keep up with inflation and rising property taxes.
this is way too far down.
the Doorway Effect is a real thing independent of ADHD.
what I don’t get is all of the different kinds all touting unique benefits. like anti-cavity, or whitening, or fluoride, or whatever. how come there isnt a toothpaste that has all of the benefits rolled into one tube? why do I have to choose?
is that the mouthgaurd filled with flavored goo that you have to keep in your mouth for 29 minutes while you drool all over yourself?
Musk defended his decision, saying he did not want his SpaceX company to be “explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation”.
lol well you fucking failed bro because that’s exactly what happened.
wouldn’t it be cheaper to just pay your employees appropriately?
i watch Futurama on Hulu to sleep every night, and she’s got a couple ads that come up very frequently and it pisses me off how fucking stupid, yet effective her message is to idiots. it’s literally just “china BAD.” then I can’t sleep. then by the time I’m almost asleep again. boom. Nikki Haley. rinse and repeat.
I had the same experience and was also curious how the rest of the game holds up. I had big issues with 15 due to repeatable side quests (I like to clear all sides quests before moving on to the next area) so I was super overleveled the entire game.
why? are they better dancers?
I’m just relieved that the property was protected.
I guess I didn’t just recognize his contribution in my comment. I’ll try harder next time.