The Atlanta Federal Reserve GDPNow is estimating that Q1 GDP is -2.8%. Originally it was predicted to be +2%.
The Atlanta Federal Reserve GDPNow is estimating that Q1 GDP is -2.8%. Originally it was predicted to be +2%.
I set the VPN tunnel from the VPS to deny everything to the internal network by default, then put the services that need to be accessed on the allow list in the firewall. So the VPN endpoint from the VPS can only hit the very specific IPs/ports/protocols that were explicitly allowed. There is still the possibility of a compromise chain of VPS->service->container/VM->hypervisor->internal network access, but I feel comfortable with those layers.
You could also setup an IDS such as Snort to pick up on that exploit traffic between the services and internal VPN endpoint if extra security is necessary on top of fail2ban and log alerts on the VPS.
Trace Route. The *NIX equivalent command is traceroute, Windows shortened it to tracert.
Sadly, a few protests now is nothing in comparison if Harris would have won. The Republican party already had preemptive lawsuits to challenge the election results before election day and the results would have been contended for months. There was a high likelihood of a repeat of Jan. 6th 2021 on Jan. 6th 2025 from right wing milita groups.
They’ve been staples around the PDX airport for the last year or so. There is also Caesar the “no drama llama” who has been around the general Portland area for a number of years.
Always fun to run across.
Forget about Jan. 6th 2021 already? I don’t recall any legal authority there and yet it still happened.
Also, we’ve had bounty programs in the past for populations of people.
I like the sentiment, but that is predicated on there being another election under the same rule set which would allow either party to win. If things come to pass with the unitary executive theory outlined in Project 2025 and the dictatorship desires that have already been declared, makes it unlikely votes will work to change political parties going forward…
Sure did.
Yeah, the EV market is fine, just Tesla sales which have dropped some, lowering numbers for the total EV market. Sales continue to be strong for other EV manufacturers, just one brand slowing down for some strange reason… Almost like someone has started to alienate their core customer base…
Knowing Elon’s past history with wording, he is probably actually donating $45,999,999.99 or $45,000,000.01 just to say the media reports are not true. He never denied donating money, just disputed that exact figure.
My prediction is that as pressures mount on all industries, especially food supplies, we’ll start to see large civil unrest leading ultimately to wars which will wipe most of us out first, then famine takes the rest. Agree on a few well off holdouts for a while.
Yeah, Tesla is certainly not the first ones to have this design or issues with it:
Any chance you are using a Thunderbolt device such as a network adapter or external drives? I had the issue on a NUC 10 where it would randomly drop the TB devices every few weeks and occasionally appear to be frozen. The latest firmware update finally took care of it.
Would you invision that to be similar to something like PBS but fully funded from government sources?
This is handled by the inverter and charging modules, some use FPGA chips others use dedicated ASICs, but it doesn’t require anything wild in terms of raw compute power, mostly up to having good algorithms to handle the situations correctly. Nothing more than a modern ICE engine which needs to very precisely manage intake and exhaust cam phasing, ignition timing, intake pressure, and multiple injections per cylinder/cycle along with monitoring a multitude of sensors to keep everything in tolerance. In terms of simplicity, the first automobiles at the turn of the century were electric before the ICE caught on thanks to the advent of the electric starter and limitations in battery technology at the time.
The headline is misleading. Roku didn’t get hacked and leak accounts. There were ~15000 customers that had accounts accessed due to credential stuffing. Aka, they reused passwords on other sites that had leaks and hackers tried those credentials on their Roku accounts and got into them.
Awesome, glad that helped and thanks for the update!
I wonder if there is something going on with scheduling waits that is impacting the audio process. I would first try upping the CPU units in Processors->Advanced settings for the VM, bump it to something like 200. Otherwise, if you over subscribing your CPU cores, try temporarily dropping the number of cores subbed out to your VMs to match the physical host to see if it helps, since that could help resolve scheduling issues as well.
Ah, good point, the speed changes for ICE results in lots of energy wasted as heat instead of being recaptured. That would certainly be the largest loss for an ICE in the city cycle.
Will certainly be a bummer if they do go under, I really appreciated their serviceability. Have several in the immediate family that have been going for over 7 years at this point though all kinds of calamities. Each time can I just pop out all the components clean/replace as necessary and get it back in service, good as new.