Liberals are just Republicans who support gay marriage.
Liberals are just Republicans who support gay marriage.
Learn to farm. Buy a gun. Take classes on emergency first aid. Get to know your neighbors. Start organizing.
Why would anyone believe the Democrats are not also Nazis? They just spearheaded a live-streamed genocide, and bypassed a law banning sending arms to Nazis so that they could send them billions in arms.
Both parties are Nazis. Both must be stopped. Stop playing this stupid game where they make you fight over which Nazi to follow.
But you’re taking it to the extreme, to the point of dishonesty. You’re so incensed about the overuse and overselling of AI, that you’re now lying about what it can do to diminish it.
To build on your example, you’re so upset about the sales pitch for plywood, that you’re now trying to claim it’s a fairy tale fabrication and shouldn’t & couldn’t be used to build with at all.
What fairy tale? You can run models right now that people have trained to work as DnD DM’s. I guess you’re not keeping up with developments, but it’s already happening.
I agree. They won’t want to hire humans back. Capitalism will not continue to function in an AI driven economy. It’s going to be feudalism or communism. And if we don’t do something about it, I know which one the capitalists will choose.
I think we’re nearly there as is. There’s already mods that integrate ChatGPT with Skyrim NPC’s. There’s definitely room for improvement, but just these fan projects have achieved some impressive results.
Pair that with the developers’ eagerness to eventually fire most of their writing staff, and they’ve got a lot of incentive to dump money into improving what already exists.
My concern is that this will lead to more abandonware. Star Trek: Bridge Crew had integrated voice commands using some IBM service to process. Once their agreement with IBM ended, they shut down the feature in the game. So what happens when a developer integrates AI as a cornerstone to a game’s storylines, using remote servers to do all of the processing, and then decide to end support for the game?
Agreed, to an extent.
I do think advancements in AI will eventually give us open world games with infinite procedurally generated engaging quests and NPC interactions. That’ll be cool. In the meantime, I don’t need a team of humans to burn themselves out to produce a large amount of bleh content.
Yes, changing the status quo is going to require some sacrifice. But we have more to gain by seizing their wealth than we do by protecting our crumbs.
Stop letting them borrow against it.
Considering the use of downvote bots already, I don’t see that working any better. But then I don’t have any better ideas.
Don’t worry. I’m sure whomever he hands it over to will also support running CS:GO as an illegal underage casino.
No, China does not control TikTok in the US. TikTok transferred control of the US instance to Oracle (and subsequently the US State Department) years ago.
The US doesn’t want to ban TikTok. They want to force a sale of TikTok to a US entity, as has been openly stated by the billionaires behind the political push. This is partly to make sure a US oligarch is profiting from the platform’s popularity, and to decrease transparency as US authorities increasingly combat growing leftism and anti-imperialism on the platform among Gen Z.
I would bet money that you’re right.
You sure you’re a leftist? I see more leftism allowed to exist on Lemmy than other platforms, but the majority of it certainly leans neoliberal.
Try criticizing NATO or the Democrats in Lemmy communities. See how fast the powermods and groupthink kick in to put a stop to it.
But of course the rightwing stuff gets targeted, too. The mods here seem keen to mirror the narrow pro-neoliberal Reddit viewpoint of what is acceptable speech. Anything beyond that will result in a strike against the user or instance.
ETA: just got banned from another community for pointing out the original NATO commanders were Nazis. There you have it.
From what I’ve seen, a lot of the toxicity is trickling down from the powermods. Same issue migrated from Reddit.
It’s not a room of monkeys typing on keyboards. Calculators don’t just spit out random numbers. They use the input to estimate the best solution it can.
I know being anti-AI is popular right now, but y’all are being dishonest about its capabilities to backup your point.
No, you’re either misremembering or intentionally misstating to advocate for censorship. Holocaust denial has been prevalent in media and among the powerful as well.
The entire reason it was allowed to happen was because of denial by the media and the powerful. Not some working class assholes with a printing press. And we see it playing out exactly the same way now with the genocide in Palestine.
You’re looking at it with rose colored glasses. There have been Holocaust deniers ever since the Holocaust.
And now we have an ongoing genocide being live-streamed by the very people committing it, and they’re still denying genocide.
Covid causes brain damage and increased aggression.