Meh, they can shoot at Firefox if they want, but it’s actually pretty good marketing for the Fox.
Meh, they can shoot at Firefox if they want, but it’s actually pretty good marketing for the Fox.
The US is losing power for sure, but not slower than it’s allies. Europe can’t just plug and play the US immediately, but they have considerably less problems than Americans.
And just to be clear: I’m not advocating for a US boycott. Just less cooperation than today.
Agreed. At least send the link shared to Twitter then, if there’s any. A screenshot is better than nothing.
It’s never been about data privacy. Never.
It’s always been about control. Always?
Snape: “Always.”
Our right is to not purchase the products that require us to give access to our data.
You can’t hear how that sounds? Congratulations, you are allowed to NOT buy something.
You’re not even told when they steal your data, because there’s not even a rule for that either.
What rights do you have in Europe that we don’t have in the US?
Easy. Privacy.
Right to our data. Freedom to choose an App Store, search engine etc for our phones. Geo-locking is illegal for our digital services. We could continue?
Yeah for sure, but the US has taken a sharp turn to the right in the last 4 years, and especially the last 6 months.
Some countries in the EU might also vote more right, but nothing compared to the States.
The whole world is not moving right in the same way as the US right now.
In Europe we get more rights, and in the US you loose your right to abortion entirely.
The US is now trying to take Panama, Canada and Greenland, which sounds alot like dictatorships like Russia and China.
So no, no one else in the western world is moving towards that. But I’m sure both Musk and Zuckerberg want you to see it that way on their platforms.
I know gaming has gotten better, but I still run into trouble. It “just works” on Windows.
I know this sub, and basically most of Lemmy, are pro Linux. But honestly? It’s not as good as Windows and macos for everyday folk. We are kidding ourselves.
It CAN do anything they can, but it’s way too hard, and you might have to code your own drivers for some of it.
You pay for it to just work, and that’s why I 100% get why you pay for an OS.
Note: I don’t think anyone feel like they even pay for their OS, if it’s not enterprise. It’s preinstalled, nobody thinks further than that.
The man is old af. 8 years is too long either way.
Natural selection at its finest.
We already met it.
It said that Taiwan was a part of One China, and it even used the phrase “we” when discussing it, as it agreed with the CCP policy.
This is a 100% noob question, I know.
But can someone who used Lineage and Graphene say why they prefer the one they do?
I’m standing between choosing one.
It’s never been a question if we could do it. We just straight up won’t. (or rich people won’t, don’t think many of us would care that much)
I use PiHole and installed Wireguard on my RaspPi. Works really well, and I can bring the PiHole-functionality everywhere while easily toggle it on and off.
Agreed. Twitter was still a shitshow, when he sold it. Just not as bad as now.
I’m already looking forward to the anniversary of this. I always see your posts.
I remember seeing Day 1. Didn’t think I should see Day 149.
Keep it up, Atticus.
Probably not, but it’s free marketing. Some will get it. Some will think about it. Next time they see Firefox, some will add two and two together. The rest will be lost.