Film Reroll
Film Reroll
With all our technology we still haven’t found a viable replacement for “yo dog I heard you like x”. Our ecosystem suffers from this unfilled niche. The time for deextinction is now.
Still hoping for that future that’s borderless and red and queer and bold.
Because that’s not how ideology works.
How are you supposed to be gay with no feelings
based based based based
Well, if it’s not a post-apocolyptic hellscape I’m going to assume that someone figured something out.
I just ignore it until either things become clear or it blows over
I haven’t been able to take the word “tankie” seriously in most cases since I asked that to someone on Reddit and they linked a meme praising anarchist Catalonia
No, not because I’d necessarily be corrupted, but because I’m a dipshit who doesn’t know shit about fuck, I’d probably, crash the world economy completely on accident and then have an emotional breakdown about the fact that I’d ruined billions of lives without knowing how to fix it.
Todd in the Shadows Some More News Folding Ideas Thought Slime Atun-Shei Films The Morbid Zoo
Sound yes smell no
Going to become increasingly pro-America as the Trump-Vance administration grinds onward
forest perfect size and shape for hiker to walk. Insdie very woodsy and nice hiker have peacefu, walk.
I don’t want to be boring
Smart, being beautiful would just get attention from boring people
“What do you think about John Kerry?”
All of the ones for fandoms I’m in. Probably going to stare longingly at r/gallifrey later tonight