6 months ago
I am sure many here have seen this, but this photo seems very informative on the waste of space that is parking lots.
I am sure many here have seen this, but this photo seems very informative on the waste of space that is parking lots.
Sounds a bit better in German: https://youtu.be/wa2JqJlsO8w?si=nPu3HL7MOtKSLHyM
Discussion is needed on this topic. At one point in the first video they actually talk about the price coming down once they can start mass production. My opinion from the sidelines is that the market for this product is still in the pre-Elon Tesla days when their first roadster was NOT cheap and handmade, and when it was more a proof of concept. Create the product to create the market. I wish them luck.
I wonder if it has anything g to do with all the advertisements for luxury cars in every edition of the paper… :-/ Cheers for the post.
Has anyone done a study to see if rail is cheaper to maintain than roads? Good public transport infrastructure would go a long way to preserving road conditions and keeping traffic lighter.