It’s small steps, not medium steps dammit!
It’s small steps, not medium steps dammit!
The social contract of tolerance
??? Both options are the same thing tho?
Bing chat will do it
I’m more scared of cassowaries.
Human code review is very error prone
What?! Difficult to find at peak ripeness, sure, bit fujis are top tier crisp, sweet, and big
What the hell has rayman been up to? Didn’t the rabbids come from his franchise too?
Not sure I follow the “FPTP with layers” argument. After each layer, the votes go to the next choice rather than being wasted. Vote splitting gone. That’s the bad part of FPTP taken care of. There’s still one winner, but proportional voting is orthogonal to ballot type
And you only get final results when all counting is complete, but ballot counts could definitely be published as they come in (N ballots with order ABCD, M ballots with order DBA, etc)
So about the same as a photograph then
I like ranked ballots more. Just a bunch of easy binary decisions of which candidate I like more. With the other ones, I feel like I’m betraying my favourite if I rank or approve of anyone else equally.
Start with an interpreter just running on a website. Low barrier to entry is key at the start