2 years agoI used https://github.com/ksurl/Shreddit
Here’s a quick bash script in case you have multiple accounts and want to run the delete on a schedule. Run it under a dedicated service account or modify the script to use venv or pipenv.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
cd ~ || exit $?
[[ "$PATH" =~ (^|:)'~/.local/bin'(:|$) ]] || export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"
command -v shreddit > /dev/null || python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip Shreddit@git+https://github.com/ksurl/Shreddit.git
while read -r acct; do
echo shreddit -u "$acct"
shreddit -u "$acct"
done < <( sed -E '/^\[/!d; s/\[|\]//g' praw.ini )
Does your .bashrc actually source .bash_profile? Add
[ ! -f "~/.bash_profile" ] || . "~/.bash_profile"
(.bash_profile doesn’t exist or source it) to the end if not.