It’s an idiom about admitting you’re wrong.
In other words, you could write the sentence as:
“If there has been significant positive change since then, I admit that what I wrote was wrong.”
My previous/alt account is which will be abandoned soon.
It’s an idiom about admitting you’re wrong.
In other words, you could write the sentence as:
“If there has been significant positive change since then, I admit that what I wrote was wrong.”
I’m not actively following it since I stopped using Hyprland around that time.
If there has been significant positive change since then I stand corrected.
No, this was an instance of transphobia in their official Discord community. See this for context.
Another instance is how Hyprland’s developer is banned from contributing to for repeated COC violations.
Hyprland has a right-wing reactionary community surrounding it. For instance, on their Discord a trans person had their username’s pronouns changed to (who/cares) by a moderator after being upset that they were misgendered.
Grab all the freeleech 2112’s and enjoy a steady stream of upload.
There’s also freeleech for the album of the month and neutral leech for all album of the month candidates in the voting phase.
Not for everything and not good enough though.
Especially for something as complex as mental illnesses/trauma your body has hardly any ability to heal by itself.
Though then we can get pedantic: How long should you feel down when someone you love died? Because I don’t consider it a bad thing for something like this to take a while before healing. It’d suck to attend their funeral having completely healed already.
(Btw I was somewhat alluding to this meme in case you haven’t realized bc you responded seriously):
BUT I will say that to me the right image looks significantly more comfy than the left one because that dragon is far more fluffy and cute and snugglable.
So you don’t think the right image displays a magical cool world where interesting stuff happens??
i can’t believe you despise femboy dragon maids
Is LGBTQ+ content not restricted/shadow banned there? 31 hearts and 1 comment isn’t really a lot.
If Twitter took away the restricted flag, would anyone have known typing “cisgender” is blacklisted? Most corporate social media don’t publish what is or isn’t restricted.
Plus China officially encourages “”““traditional””“” gender roles since their demographic crisis will come crashing down soon, with LGBTQ+ centers and clubs being shut down by the government.
Are you sure? You might have left-right confusion
(a <=> b) <=/=> [(b => TRUE) <=> a]
This is a critique of honor societies which do not serve a point in proving someone’s “honor”. The college requirement is essentially: Join this club to prove you have joined this club. Anyone can join an “honor” society without demonstrating anything related to honor, meaning:
([Joining an honor society] => TRUE) <=> [Being allowed to join college]
Being allowed to drive a car implies having a license and having a license implies being allowed to drive a car. Neither of these implies TRUE - in an ideal world at least.
By the way, TRUE is a tautology because it is always true, which is the definition of a tautology. Unnecessary repetition is not a requirement of a tautology.
Behold: a woman!
You might want to check again, that’s the “display name” that can be set to anything.
I meant to convey how so much of the existing green space was paved already that paving the entire green space wouldn’t be much different at this point.
I would guess the paved paths make up like 20% of the image? That’s far too much in my opinion, green space in cities is already severely limited.
You can also see how every time a desire path was paved, new desire paths sprung up - which were then also paved.
Your feedback is valued.
I don’t think there’s an issue with desire paths becoming unusable during certain times though. It slightly extends the time you spend walking around but I’d prefer this over having unnecessary pavement.
You might as well pave the entire green space in this example.
Mud is messy
It depends. Some people view lawns that aren’t devoid of all insect life messy or trimmed evenly messy. And if it is raining or has recently rained, hardly anyone would use a muddy path so the concrete sidewalk will remain reasonably clean as well.
That’s important, though I’m not advocating for keeping an entire campus unpaved. I am arguing that only necessary pathways should be paved while desire paths should ideally remain unpaved. People in wheelchairs should still get around (quickly), but desire paths don’t need to be wheelchair accessible in my opinion.
Is there an issue with muddy bisections? It might not look the most appealing but it’s better than pavement.
To prevent the paths from getting ever wider you could, for example, plant flowers next to them. That’s a pretty effective and unobtrusive way.
Not necessarily good though since it further seals the ground. There’s nothing wrong with leaving desire paths untouched.
I admit, I was partially wrong. The CoC violations occured outside freedesktop and he received an email from a freedesktop member stating that their CoC does extend outside their immediate project, to some extent.
This isn’t that unreasonable in my opinion, considering that his behavior “reflects on communities like [FreeDesktop] when [they] interact with and accept contributions from hyprland.”
Of course this should only apply to severe CoC violations considering that two different CoCs rarely overlap in full.
So the reason for the ban was that hyprland’s developer published their email exchange and wrote an extensive, surprisingly hostile blog post about it.
I genuinely recommend reading their exchange, I’ve rarely seen this amount of hostility and toxicity in an email exchange - followed up with “I hope we can resolve this constructively” and “I will be seeking legal action if you continue threatening to ban me”.