It’s a heap of metal and plastic.
It’s a heap of metal and plastic.
Not very. Most people around here are able to coexist despite having different views.
A few are naturally corrupt and will always do anything they think they can get away with. A few are naturally honest and will never be corrupted.
Most people just act like the people they are surrounded by.
Weakness, If you’re here for anything other than the narrow view.
Even if you’re here for the the narrow view take a moment and consider if an echo chamber is good for you.
Raised Scandinavian protestant which basically means you don’t go to church unless someone died or got married.
Left the Church to avoid the membership fee.
Answering this question is about 1/3rd of my effort I’ve put into religion 2024.
I’m sick of hearing about it too. A little bit of variety would be nice.
It’s an interesting idea but I’d like to see it tried somewhere else on a large scale first.
You could cut down or outright remove various government assistance programs so there would not necessarily be more money for the poor, just not a bureaucracy to figure out if you qualify for this and that assistance.
Yes, it could coexist. Not sure why you’d think it would not. I still want more than a cubicle apartment and cheapest food.
What’s the point of being unsatisfied?
Being unsatisfied is unpleasant. So I’ve got two options:
Changing my mind is hard. Changing my height is borderline impossible.
Other than randomly being born in a western democracy ranking high on living standard, happiness etc.
I was a good boy and put in the effort in school. I get paid accordingly and have a relatively stress free job.
Language: Python. It does reasonably well at staying out of your way from learning programming instead of the quirks of your language.
It’s so long ago I learnt to program that it feels like my sources are outdated by now.
Getting rid of victim mentality. This is the biggest curse you can put on yourself (that being said I’ve not tried heroin).
Sorry, I prefer to be the one supplying the cock in the relationship.
Found Gandalf Rakhyvel (translates approx. Safety razor) on an online phone book many years ago.
Maybe a trap name to detect copying because it has disappeared.
The difference between a herbal remedies and a regular medicine is that the regular stuff the manufacturer has to first show that it actually works at all and then figure out what the side effects are.
If I have any serious issue I’d not trust anything that is not FDA/EMA/etc approved for my condition.
Sure open source would not be a drawback but First place you’re looking for the information is in the documentation, not the source code. And then it depends on how the game is designed.
Sure worst case scenario an open source game you can rewrite the entire thing and document it as you see fit. But is it really modding then?
I noticed a change for the better.
About 24 hours. I’ll almost fall asleep standing up at that point and whatever reason I’ve got to stay awake just is not worth it.
Some sabotage of undersea cables in the Baltics.
I’d like to go back many times to earlier in my life and try different dialogue options.
Like that time you thought of the perfect comeback two days later?
Or just learn how people act and react. If I say this, they react that way. Now if I say that how do they react?
“Better hurry up or he will go without me!”
He is very keen on not being left behind even if I’m just running to the shop.