We call it the Sun. Orbited by the highest concentration of perverts in the whole galaxy
Yeah, because people in other systems don’t kinkshame
(obviously NSFW)
I expected Ufoporno…
Lol, I’m gonna make that my ringtone for a while
I love it! Tried to find you an audio file or even a copy of the music playing in the background. I’m at work though and searching UFOPorno on the company network is a little frowned upon…
Before anyone gets any ideas, here’s an excerpt that pretty summarily describes what happens if you wind up in their company
“You pray that you die. You don’t.”
I can’t believe I’ve never thought to ask this important question.
My dumbass moving my phone all around to try to see some tiddies in the picture
It’s was inside all of us all along
But mostly inside your mom
Found them!
Turn your display off. You’ll see it.
Did you check the backdoor?
I see a pearl necklace
I’m guessing this is a Trump trial reference?
It’s right there! The fucks wrong with you?!
Find the polar star, then go south.
i’ll try asking around in a 200 light year radius
edit: i found it, its over at this link
The Black one there. I call her Tori.