In a video, Matt Nelson said he would set himself ablaze "to stop supplying Israel with the money and weapons it uses to imprison and murder innocent Palestinians" and "to pressure Israel to end the genocide in Gaza."
Anyone who blames themselves for something they have absolutely no say in or control over, to the degree they are willing to set themselves on fire over it, is mentally ill.
Any world in which the principal superpower lets a tiny nation write its foreign policy for it, to the point where that superpower is giving the tiny nation the means to commit genocide and refuses to stop, is a profoundly sick world.
Israel attacked an intelligence gathering ship to prevent it from realizing that Israel was the one starting shit in Syria… then the US really started supporting it.
Anyone who blames themselves for something they have absolutely no say in or control over, to the degree they are willing to set themselves on fire over it, is mentally ill.
Your confused. Self-immolation isn’t about self-punishment anymore than any other protest method.
It’s the “we are all culpable” leading to the immolation that’s indicative of mental illness.
He said “we are all culpable” not “I alone am culpable.”
I think most if not all of the “he’s nuts” talk is from people who would rather not consider themselves culpable.
And that’s stupid binary thinking and he was wrong.
If you refuse to speak up and take a principled stand against genocide, you are culpable.
Tacit support for genocide is indicative of mental illness.
Any world in which the principal superpower lets a tiny nation write its foreign policy for it, to the point where that superpower is giving the tiny nation the means to commit genocide and refuses to stop, is a profoundly sick world.
Israel attacked an intelligence gathering ship to prevent it from realizing that Israel was the one starting shit in Syria… then the US really started supporting it.
Israel is a blight on the world.