I have to admit, my corner of tumblr seems remarkably passive about this past week. No freaking out, no mad panic, no “it’s the end of the world”

Just “meh” and “so lets move on and do what we need to do”

  • inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Bush was terrible but wasn’t embracing fascism. He never had a project 2025 plan to kill democracy.

    This isn’t your daddy’s nightmare here, this situation is much, much worse and I think this poster is very much understimating that here.

    • NevermindNoMind@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Ah how time sands away the rough edges of our memories.

      Bush created an illegal prison to hold “suspected terrorists” indefinitely without charges or trials. Bush had literal CIA black sites around the world for the explicit purpose of evading US law. Bush had a legal memo drafted for the explicit purpose of instituting a torture program. Can I get an Abu Ghraib up in here? Mass surveillance of Americans, Bush invented the Patriot act and fisa warrantless taps! So many chestnuts like “Your either with us or with the terrorists” “See something say something” as an explicit way to turn Americans against each other, to compel loyalty to death leader or else be labeled a terrorist. Speak out against Bush’s lies about the Iraq war, well how about an administration official leaks to the NYT blowing the cover of your spy wife to put her in danger as revenge, and then pardon the fucker who did it? To say nothing about getting Medicare, opposition to lgbtq rights, no child left behind bullshit, voter restrictions, and I can’t just not give a big what’s up to Hurricane Katrina! Fuck the “unitary executive” theory is a Bush era creation. That’s just the stuff I personally remember, without even looking up a greatest hits list of Bush shit.

      Oh yeah, Bush wasn’t even elected the first time! The conservative supreme court in a 5-4 opinion installed him!

      Trump is the first president not to accept the results of an election, to undermine democracy directly. I’ll give you that, and in some ways he’s a very unique threat in that way. But he is not the first president to stretch presidential authority, to abuse his power, to break democratic norms, to stomp on civil rights, etc. We’re talking here about Bush, but don’t forget Nixon and Reagan also existed!

      Yes this is bad, maybe uniquely bad, but one thing we have going for us is Trump and the people around him are highly incompetent. That was not true in the Bush years. We can fight him and we can defeat Trumpism. So long as elections happen, we can stop the worst of Trump. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the country that reelected Bush even after all that shit, turned around 4 years later and elected a progressive (by the days standards) black candidate with the middle name huessain, and voters did it by a landslide. It took a lot of work to get there, but we as a country did it before and can do it again. There is hope.

    • Cornelius_Wangenheim@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      The only differences there are between Bush and Trump are that Bush succeeded in stealing an election and was smart enough to try to hide his evil shit and soften it with Orwellian language instead of crowing about it from the rooftops.

      The danger is more that the systems that resisted Bush’s fascism have been weakened, namely the Supreme Court.