Today’s game is Pokemon Platinum. My steam deck decided today was a lovely day to have a stroke and crash so hard the power button won’t respond. Seeing as how I had a whole day with nothing to do and with me being in a Pokemon mood the last few days, I elected to play Platinum to get a Sinnoh dex to add to my Unova Dex.

This screenshot was taken south of Sandgem town on the coast. I love this game’s entire region as it has that lovely Moody feel winter has with the snow everywhere. I also love how the region is split in too and you need to pass through the mountains to get to one side too the other. It’s the same feel as that scene in the LoTR films with Caradhras.

my party passing through Mount Coronet

My party passing through Mount Coronet

I’ve so far caught 4 Pokemon for my party.

as you can see, so far on Dillon II remains standing after the first route. This is because Dillon II is better than Dillon. Dillon II will not fail me like Dillon did because Dillon II is better in every conceivable way and carried the entire time with just Tackle. I also called my starter Harold and the Bird Steven.

    3 months ago

    The power button thing would be very disappointing cause it is a vital button that is expected to be pushed a lot… I hope you can figure it out whatever it is.