It also wins you direct scorn by the TSAa and an attempt at public shaming “We got an opt out. OPT OUT I NEED A MANAGER! You, stand over there and wait”.
At they very least you’re guaranteed no cellphone screencaps, fresh gloves and less radiation exposure whilst you’re stood at the machine and in the line waiting. Airports are still abysmal on privacy otherwise.
There’s a good Philosophy Tube quote for this. (the presenter is a trans woman).
Apparently the operator of the scanner has to choose if you’re a man or a woman, so “Either my tits are the bomb or there’s an unexpected item in the shagging area”
Last time I flew I wore jeans that fit super well on the way out and kinda loose jeans that I needed a belt to keep up on the return. The loose jeans set off an anomaly in the groin area and both me and the TSA agent shared a collective “I don’t want to be doing this right now but this is what we have to do”
Anyways my point is, I think it comes down to the fit of your clothing, if it’s more form fitting it’s less likely to be detected as an anomaly. But also the machine is sensitive enough to detect when I’ve forgotten a receipt in my back pocket and will yell about a tiny scrap of thermal paper so I suppose it would detect any anomalies in one’s body
I mean, when the choices are either A. Put up with 30 seconds of awkward clothed patdown then move on or B. Likely be detained, not get to return home from my business trip, possibly fired for the stunt and likely have to fund my own cross country return trip through alternate travel means, there isn’t much of a choice is there?
Sorry, I don’t mean to blame you personally. I meant that the TSA / whole routine in an airport is pretty stupid, and people shouldn’t be attacking airplanes to make this security be the norm, and other similarly idealistic thoughts
Hi! I used to get to second base with the TSA every time. Apparently the machine has issues with loose fit clothes or even long hair if it’s down. Since taking this to heart no one has asked to swipe my ass for bombs.
every time I go through TSA it says “anomaly detected” at my waist and I need to be patted down. I’m trans so… correct I guess.
“Right. Just hold still. I need to check your genitalia for something.”
Ah yes, the penis detector.
For this reason, and for sexual assault survivors, and for our dignity, naked photography and pat downs should not exist.
You can opt out of the RapeScan. It doesn’t get you out of the pat down, but it’s something.
It also wins you direct scorn by the TSAa and an attempt at public shaming “We got an opt out. OPT OUT I NEED A MANAGER! You, stand over there and wait”.
At they very least you’re guaranteed no cellphone screencaps, fresh gloves and less radiation exposure whilst you’re stood at the machine and in the line waiting. Airports are still abysmal on privacy otherwise.
Hahaha yeah - it’s great that every time I fly, there’s a 1 in 3 chance that I’m outed to some sour faced stranger who will get to grope me.
I will take Amtrak for three times the travel time to avoid TSA.
There’s a good Philosophy Tube quote for this. (the presenter is a trans woman).
Apparently the operator of the scanner has to choose if you’re a man or a woman, so “Either my tits are the bomb or there’s an unexpected item in the shagging area”
oh that’s good
Last time I flew I wore jeans that fit super well on the way out and kinda loose jeans that I needed a belt to keep up on the return. The loose jeans set off an anomaly in the groin area and both me and the TSA agent shared a collective “I don’t want to be doing this right now but this is what we have to do”
Anyways my point is, I think it comes down to the fit of your clothing, if it’s more form fitting it’s less likely to be detected as an anomaly. But also the machine is sensitive enough to detect when I’ve forgotten a receipt in my back pocket and will yell about a tiny scrap of thermal paper so I suppose it would detect any anomalies in one’s body
I mean, when the choices are either A. Put up with 30 seconds of awkward clothed patdown then move on or B. Likely be detained, not get to return home from my business trip, possibly fired for the stunt and likely have to fund my own cross country return trip through alternate travel means, there isn’t much of a choice is there?
Sorry, I don’t mean to blame you personally. I meant that the TSA / whole routine in an airport is pretty stupid, and people shouldn’t be attacking airplanes to make this security be the norm, and other similarly idealistic thoughts
Yeah, the TSA always gives me special attention just because I have cargo shorts on and they told me that almost always triggers anomalies.
straight out of papers please
Hi! I used to get to second base with the TSA every time. Apparently the machine has issues with loose fit clothes or even long hair if it’s down. Since taking this to heart no one has asked to swipe my ass for bombs.